This test case is a shielded twisted pair atteuation calculation,The cable specification is based onaSpaceWireshieldedtwistedpair. We have used this test caseto look atthe convergence of results withrespect to parameters which control the representation of cylindrical conductors and segment decomposition in FastHenry.The script run_parameter_set generates and runs a SACAMOS Spice cable bundle modelforeachofthe sets of parameters specified inthe parameter_list.dat file.These parameters are as follows:NLAYER: Number of rectangular layers todividethe cylindrical geometry into (numberof layers inone radius)NWINC: FastHenry filament decomposition parameter, nwinc NHINC: FastHenry filament decomposition parameter, nhinc NSAMPLES: Number of frequency samples inthe FastHenry calculationFMAX: maximum frequency inthe FastHenry calculationThis process can be used to test the convergence of results with respect to these parameters.The results in STP_DM_NLAYER_RESULTS show convergence with respect tothe NLAYER parameter.