! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! SUBROUTINE test_filter_positive_real(H,stable,local_verbose) ! ! ! NAME ! test_filter_positive_real ! ! DESCRIPTION ! test whether a rational function is positive real. The definition of positive real ! is described in section 7.2 of the Theory Manual. ! This implements the Sturm test as described in Kim and Meadows section 9.1.3 ! ! SEE ALSO ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 9/2017 CJS ! 24/10/2017 CJS Use the minimum resistance value rather than the Sturm test method. ! SUBROUTINE test_filter_positive_real(H,stable,local_verbose) USE type_specifications USE general_module USE constants USE frequency_spec USE filter_module USE Sfilter_fit_module IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to subroutine type(Sfilter),intent(IN) :: H logical,intent(OUT) :: stable logical,intent(IN) :: local_verbose ! local variables type(polynomial) :: m1,m2,n1,n2,P,Q,t1,t2,A2,A,Ap,Am,C,R integer :: i,ii,order,m_order,n_order,a_order real(dp),allocatable :: value_inf(:) real(dp),allocatable :: value_0(:) integer :: n_sturm,sturm_coeff integer :: S_inf,S_0,n_real_zeros real(dp) :: last_value_inf,last_value_0 logical :: odd_multiplicity_flag real(dp) :: Rmin,Wmin type(Sfilter) :: Hlocal !START if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'CALLED test_filter_positive_real' write(*,*)'Input filter function:' CALL write_Sfilter(H,0) end if Hlocal=H CALL calculate_min_resistance_value(Hlocal,Rmin,wmin) if (Rmin.LT.0d0) then stable=.FALSE. else stable=.TRUE. end if CALL deallocate_Sfilter(Hlocal) RETURN ! assume the filter is stable initially stable=.TRUE. ! assemble the odd and even polynomials m1 and n1 from the numerator of H order=H%a%order if (mod(order,2).EQ.0) then m_order=order n_order=max(order-1,0) else m_order=max(order-1,0) n_order=order end if m1=allocate_polynomial(m_order) n1=allocate_polynomial(n_order) m1%coeff(:)=0d0 do i=0,m_order,2 m1%coeff(i)=H%a%coeff(i) end do n1%coeff(:)=0d0 do i=1,n_order,2 n1%coeff(i)=H%a%coeff(i) end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Numerator:' CALL write_poly_local(H%a) write(*,*)'m1: even order terms' CALL write_poly_local(m1) write(*,*)'n1: odd order terms' CALL write_poly_local(n1) end if ! assemble the odd and even polynomials m2 and n2 from the denominator of H order=H%b%order if (mod(order,2).EQ.0) then m_order=order n_order=max(order-1,0) else m_order=max(order-1,0) n_order=order end if m2=allocate_polynomial(m_order) n2=allocate_polynomial(n_order) m2%coeff(:)=0d0 do i=0,m_order,2 m2%coeff(i)=H%b%coeff(i) end do n2%coeff(:)=0d0 do i=1,n_order,2 n2%coeff(i)=H%b%coeff(i) end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Denominator:' CALL write_poly_local(H%b) write(*,*)'m2: even order terms' CALL write_poly_local(m2) write(*,*)'n2: odd order terms' CALL write_poly_local(n2) end if ! Calculate the polynomial A2(jw)=m1(jw)m2(jw)-n1(jw)n2(jw) ! This is in fact a function of w**2 only (no odd order terms in jw) t1=m1*m2 t2=n1*n2 A2=t1-t2 CALL get_min_order_poly(A2) if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'A2(jw)=m1m2-n1n2' CALL write_poly_local(A2) end if ! Calculate the coefficients of A(w**2) order=A2%order if (mod(order,2).EQ.0) then a_order=order/2 else write(*,*)'Error in test_filter_positive_real. Order of A2(jw) is not an even number' end if A=allocate_polynomial(a_order) do i=0,a_order A%coeff(i)=A2%coeff(2*i) end do ! At the moment A is a function of (jw)**2 not w**2. ! We get the function of w**2 by making the odd order coefficients negative do i=1,a_order,2 A%coeff(i)=-A%coeff(i) end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'A(w**2)' CALL write_poly_local(A) write(*,*)'Full precision coefficients' do i=0,A%order write(*,*)i,A%coeff(i) end do end if CALL get_min_order_poly(A) if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'minimum order: A(w**2)' CALL write_poly_local(A) write(*,*)'Full precision coefficients' do i=0,A%order write(*,*)i,A%coeff(i) end do end if ! Get the high frequency value of the function. ! If it is less than zero the funciton is not positive real so return if (A%coeff(A%order).LT.-zero_test_small) then stable=.FALSE. if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Real part of function is less than zero at high frequency' write(*,*)'test value:',A%coeff(A%order) CALL write_poly_local(A) end if RETURN end if !! **** QUESTION: If we calculate all the roots to remove any even multiple roots then !! maybe we should just test for odd multiplicity real roots directly... ! CALL remove_even_multiple_zeros(A,odd_multiplicity_flag,local_verbose) if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'remove even multiple zeros: A(w**2)' CALL write_poly_local(A) write(*,*)'Full precision coefficients' do i=0,A%order write(*,*)i,A%coeff(i) end do end if ! Checks for a valid at this point if (a%coeff(a%order).EQ.0d0) then write(*,*)'Error in test_filter_positive_real. Highest order A coefficient =0d0' end if ! Start to assemble the terms of the Sturm sequence n_sturm=a_order+1 allocate( value_inf(1:n_sturm) ) allocate( value_0(1:n_sturm) ) ! We already have the first term which is A Ap=A sturm_coeff=1 ! Get a function sign for x->infinity value_inf(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=Ap%order,0,-1 if (abs(Ap%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_inf(sturm_coeff)=Ap%coeff(ii) exit end if end do ! Get a function sign for x->0 value_0(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=0,Ap%order if (abs(Ap%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_0(sturm_coeff)=Ap%coeff(ii) exit end if end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'A0(x)=' CALL write_poly_local2('A','x',Ap) end if if (Ap%order.Eq.0) then ! this is a zero order function so exit if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Zero order function, exiting' end if RETURN end if ! second term is the derivative of Ap wrt x Am=allocate_polynomial(ap%order-1) do i=0,am%order am%coeff(i)=ap%coeff(i+1)*dble(i+1) end do sturm_coeff=sturm_coeff+1 ! Get a function sign for x->infinity value_inf(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=Am%order,0,-1 if (abs(Am%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_inf(sturm_coeff)=Am%coeff(ii) exit end if end do ! Get a function sign for x->0 value_0(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=0,Am%order if (abs(Am%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_0(sturm_coeff)=Am%coeff(ii) exit end if end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'A1(x)=' CALL write_poly_local2('A','x',Am) end if ! now iterate to get the remaining Sturm coefficients do i=3,n_sturm ! we have the two previous terms Ap and Am. ! The next term is found as the remainder when Ap is divided by Am ! R(x)=Ap(x)-Am(x)(C(x)) where C(x)=k1x+k2 ! New Ap=Am ! New Am=-R CALL divide_poly(Ap,Am,C,R,.FALSE.) if (polynomial_is_zero(R)) then n_sturm=i-1 if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Zero remainder in Sturm sequence calculation' write(*,*)'Number of Sturm coefficients=',n_sturm end if exit end if deallocate( Ap%coeff ) Ap=Am deallocate( Am%coeff ) Am=R do ii=0,Am%order Am%coeff(ii)=-Am%coeff(ii) end do deallocate( R%coeff ) deallocate( C%coeff ) sturm_coeff=sturm_coeff+1 ! Get a function sign for x->infinity value_inf(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=Am%order,0,-1 if (abs(Am%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_inf(sturm_coeff)=Am%coeff(ii) exit end if end do ! Get a function sign for x->0 value_0(sturm_coeff)=0d0 do ii=0,Am%order if (abs(Am%coeff(ii)).GT.zero_test_small) then value_0(sturm_coeff)=Am%coeff(ii) exit end if end do if (local_verbose) then write(*,'(A1,I1,A4)')'A',i-1,'(x)=' CALL write_poly_local2('A','x',Am) end if end do ! Work out the number of sign changes in value_inf and value_0 in the sequence if (local_verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of Sturm coefficients=',n_sturm write(*,*)'Sturm coefficients' write(*,*)' A(0) A(infinity) ' do i=1,n_sturm write(*,*)value_0(i),value_inf(i) end do end if S_inf=0 S_0=0 last_value_inf=value_inf(1) last_value_0=value_0(1) do i=2,n_sturm if (value_0(i)*last_value_0.LT.0d0) S_0=S_0+1 last_value_0=value_0(i) if (value_inf(i)*last_value_inf.LT.0d0) S_inf=S_inf+1 last_value_inf=value_inf(i) end do n_real_zeros=abs(S_inf-S_0) if (local_verbose) then write(*,8000)'n_sign changes_0=',S_0,' n_sign_changes_inf=',S_inf 8000 format(A,I3,A,I3) write(*,*)'Number of real zeros =',n_real_zeros write(*,*)'Odd_multiplicity_flag=',odd_multiplicity_flag end if if (n_real_zeros.GT.0) stable=.FALSE. ! check the consistency between the Sturm test and ! the previously calculated odd_multiplicity_flag if ( (n_real_zeros.GT.0).AND.(odd_multiplicity_flag) ) then ! consistent result if (local_verbose) write(*,*)'Sturm test and explicit zero analysis agree: stable=.FALSE.' else if ( (n_real_zeros.EQ.0).AND.(.NOT.odd_multiplicity_flag) ) then ! consistent result if (local_verbose) write(*,*)'Sturm test and explicit zero analysis agree: stable=.TRUE.' else ! inconsistent result write(*,*)'Sturm test and explicit zero analysis do NOT agree' write(*,8000)'n_sign changes_0=',S_0,' n_sign_changes_inf=',S_inf write(*,*)'Number of real zeros =',n_real_zeros write(*,*)'Odd_multiplicity_flag=',odd_multiplicity_flag ! STOP end if ! Deallocate arrays and polynomials deallocate( value_inf ) deallocate( value_0 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE test_filter_positive_real