! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! File Contents: ! ! SUBROUTINE PUL_RL_FastHenry2 ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE PUL_RL_FastHenry2 ! ! DESCRIPTION ! Wrapping subroutine to control the calculation of frequency dependent impedance ! using FastHenry2 ! ! The process is divided into the following stages: ! STAGE 1: work out the configuration for the calculation i.e. is there a ground plane, is the outer boundary free space or a conductor (overshield) ! STAGE 2: Create the input file for FastHenry2 ! STAGE 4: Call FastHenry2 ! STAGE 5: Read the frequency dependent impedance matrices and fit rational functions to these ! ! COMMENTS ! ! ! HISTORY ! started 23/10/2023 ! SUBROUTINE PUL_RL_FastHenry2(PUL,name,fit_order,freq_spec,domain) ! USE type_specifications USE constants USE general_module USE maths USE filter_module USE filter_module USE Sfilter_fit_module USE frequency_spec ! IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to subroutine type(PUL_type), intent(INOUT) :: PUL ! per-unit-length parameter calculation structure character(LEN=line_length),intent(IN) :: name ! string used as the base for filenames integer, intent(IN) :: fit_order ! filter fit_order for frequency dependent dielectrics type(frequency_specification),intent(IN) :: freq_spec ! filter frequency range specification for frequency dependent dielectrics integer, intent(IN) :: domain ! domain number used to label the mesh files ! parameters integer,parameter :: inside =1 integer,parameter :: outside=2 ! local variables integer :: first_conductor,last_conductor,conductor character(LEN=filename_length) :: command ! string used for running external commands integer :: exit_stat,cmd_stat ! Process_Zc variables: integer :: matrix_dimension complex(dp) :: Zc_temp complex(dp),allocatable :: function_to_fit(:) ! complex function to be fitted using Sfilter_fit real(dp) :: ferr real(dp) :: gp_half_width character(LEN=256) :: line character(LEN=256) :: freq_and_dim_string integer :: local_line_length integer :: i integer :: n_freq_in real(dp) :: freq,w integer :: nrows,ncols,r,c,row,col complex(dp),allocatable :: Zc_in(:,:,:) real(dp),allocatable :: freq_in(:) real(dp),allocatable :: Rdc_domain(:,:) real(dp),allocatable :: values(:),re,im logical :: subtract_dc_resistance integer :: loop,floop integer :: ierr ! START if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLED: PUL_RL_FastHenry2' ! work out the local frequency sampling: FastHenry uses a specific form based on log frequency ! and number of samples per decade write(*,*)'Filter fit order=',fit_order write(*,*)'fmin=',freq_spec%fmin write(*,*)'fmax=',freq_spec%fmax write(*,*)'n_frequencies=',freq_spec%n_frequencies write(*,*)'ndec=',freq_spec%ndec if (freq_spec%freq_range_type.EQ.'lin') then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2: We must have a logarithmic frequency range specified' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! STAGE 1: work out the configuration for the calculation i.e. is there a ground plane, is the outer boundary free space or a conductor (overshield) ! write the file which is used to generate to FastHenry2 input file OPEN(unit=fh2_input_file_unit,file='fh2.txt') write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'fh2.inp' if ((.NOT.PUL%overshield_present).AND.(PUL%ground_plane_present)) then ! SOLUTION TYPE 1: NO OVERSHIELD, WITH GROUND PLANE first_conductor=1 last_conductor=PUL%n_conductors-1 write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'ground_plane' ! ********* STILL SOME HARD WIRED GROUND PLANE SPEC: TO BE SORTED OUT ************ ! ALSO NEED TO CHECK THAT EVERYTHING WE NEED IS SET... write(*,*)'Ground plane parameters:' write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_w=',PUL%ground_plane_w write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_h=',PUL%ground_plane_h write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_sigma=',PUL%ground_plane_sigma write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_nsegx=',PUL%ground_plane_nsegx write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_nsegz=',PUL%ground_plane_nsegz write(*,*)'PUL%ground_plane_nh=',PUL%ground_plane_nh if ( (PUL%ground_plane_w.EQ.0d0).OR.(PUL%ground_plane_h.EQ.0d0).OR.(PUL%ground_plane_sigma.EQ.0d0) & .OR.(PUL%ground_plane_nsegx.EQ.0).OR.(PUL%ground_plane_nsegz.EQ.0).OR.(PUL%ground_plane_nh.EQ.0) )then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2: ground plane parameters not defined' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if gp_half_width=PUL%ground_plane_w/2.0 write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')-gp_half_width,-PUL%ground_plane_h/2.0,' 0.0e-3 ! x y z of ground plane point 1' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)') gp_half_width,-PUL%ground_plane_h/2.0,' 0.0e-3 ! x y z of ground plane point 2' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)') gp_half_width,-PUL%ground_plane_h/2.0,' 1000.0e-3 ! x y z of ground plane point 3' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%ground_plane_h,' ! thickness ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2I6,A)')PUL%ground_plane_nsegx,PUL%ground_plane_nsegz, & ' ! discretisation in p1-p2 and p2=p3 directions' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%ground_plane_sigma,' ! conductivity, sigma ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(I4,A)')PUL%ground_plane_nh,' ! gp discretisation in thickness, nhinc ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'2.0 ! gp discretisation in thickness ratio, rh ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'0e-3 0.0e-3 0.0e-3 ! x y z of ground plane node at end 1 ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'0e-3 0.0e-3 1000.0e-3 ! x y z of ground plane node at end 2 ' ! ********* STILL SOME HARD WIRED GROUND PLANE SPEC: TO BE SORTED OUT ************ else if ((PUL%overshield_present).AND.(.NOT.PUL%ground_plane_present)) then ! SOLUTION TYPE 2: OVERSHIELD, NO GROUND PLANE first_conductor=1 last_conductor=PUL%n_conductors else if ((.NOT.PUL%overshield_present).AND.(.NOT.PUL%ground_plane_present)) then ! SOLUTION TYPE 3: NO OVERSHIELD, NO GROUND PLANE first_conductor=1 last_conductor=PUL%n_conductors else write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 cannot handle this configuration' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(I2,A)')last_conductor-first_conductor+1,' ! number of conductors' do conductor=first_conductor,last_conductor write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(I2,A)')conductor,' ! conductor number' if ( (conductor.EQ.last_conductor).AND.PUL%overshield_present) then write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'annulus ! conductor 1 shape (cylinder, rectangle, annulus)' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')PUL%overshield_x,PUL%overshield_y,' ! centre xc yc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%overshield_r,' ! inner radius rc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%overshield_r*1.01,' ! ***** outer radius rc: 1.01*rinner *****' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%overshield_r/2,' ! ***** conductor discretisation size, dl=r/2 *****' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')1e20,' ! **** conductivity, sigma: high conductivity ****' ! write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2I4,A)')FH2_nw,FH2_nh,' ! segment discretisation in x and y, nwinc nhinc ' ! write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')FH2_rw,FH2_rh,' ! segment discretisation ratio in x and y, rw rh ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')' 3 1 ! segment discretisation in x and y, nwinc nhinc ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'1.0 1.0 ! segment discretisation ratio in x and y, rw rh ' else ! not an overshield if (PUL%shape(conductor).EQ.circle) then if (PUL%conductor_is_shield(conductor)) then ! ********* USED FOR SHIELDS IN THE EXTERNAL DOMAIN: STILL SOME HARD WIRED PARAMETERS ************ write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'annulus ! conductor 1 shape (cylinder, rectangle, annulus)' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')PUL%x(conductor)+PUL%ox(conductor),& PUL%y(conductor)+PUL%oy(conductor),' ! centre xc yc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%r(conductor)/1.01d0,' ! inner radius rs/1.01' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%r(conductor),' ! outer radius rs' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%overshield_r/2,' ! ***** conductor discretisation size, dl=r/2 *****' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')1e20,' ! **** conductivity, sigma: high conductivity ****' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')' 3 1 ! segment discretisation in x and y, nwinc nhinc ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'1.0 1.0 ! segment discretisation ratio in x and y, rw rh ' else if(auto_cyl_grid) then write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'cylindrical grid_block auto ! conductor 1 shape (cylinder, rectangle, annulus)' else write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'cylindrical ! conductor 1 shape (cylinder, rectangle, annulus)' end if write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')PUL%x(conductor)+PUL%ox(conductor),& PUL%y(conductor)+PUL%oy(conductor),' ! centre xc yc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%r(conductor),' ! radius rc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%r(conductor)/FH2_nlayers_radius, & ' ! cylindrical conductor discretisation size, dl' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%sigma(conductor),' ! conductivity, sigma ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2I4,A)')FH2_nw,FH2_nh,' ! segment discretisation in x and y, nwinc nhinc ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')FH2_rw,FH2_rh,' ! segment discretisation ratio in x and y, rw rh ' end if ! conductor_is_shield else if (PUL%shape(conductor).EQ.rectangle) then write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(A)')'rectangle ! conductor 1 shape (cylinder, rectangle, annulus)' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')PUL%x(conductor)+PUL%ox(conductor),& PUL%y(conductor)+PUL%oy(conductor),' ! centre xc yc' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')PUL%rw(conductor),PUL%rh(conductor),' ! width and height' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')PUL%sigma(conductor),' ! conductivity, sigma ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2I4,A)')FH2_nw,FH2_nh,' ! segment discretisation in x and y, nwinc nhinc ' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(2ES12.4,A)')FH2_rw,FH2_rh,' ! segment discretisation ratio in x and y, rw rh ' else write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 cannot handle shape:',PUL%shape(conductor) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! shape end if ! overshield end do ! next conductor write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')freq_spec%fmin,' ! Minimum frequency, fmin' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')freq_spec%fmax,' ! Maximum frequency, fmax' write(fh2_input_file_unit,'(ES12.4,A)')freq_spec%ndec,' ! Number of points per decade, ndec' CLOSE(unit=fh2_input_file_unit) write(*,*)'CALLING write_FH_input_file' command='write_FH_input_file < fh2.txt' write(*,*)'COMMAND:' write(*,'(A)')command CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=exit_stat,CMDSTAT=cmd_stat) ! Check that the FastHenry2 input file generated correctly if (exit_stat.NE.0) then ! write_FH_input_file returned with a non zdero exit code indicating an error write(*,*)'There was a problem running write_FH_input_file: ', & 'Please check that write_FH_input_file is in your $PATH' write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 running write_FH_input_file: exit_stat=',exit_stat CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if write(*,*)'CALLING FastHenry2' if(fh2_no_refinement) then command='fasthenry -a off fh2.inp' else command='fasthenry fh2.inp' end if write(*,*)'COMMAND:' write(*,'(A)')command CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=exit_stat,CMDSTAT=cmd_stat) ! Check that the fasthenry ran correctly if (exit_stat.NE.0) then ! fasthenry returned with a non zdero exit code indicating an error write(*,*)'There was a problem running fasthenry: Please check that fasthenry is in your $PATH' write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 running fasthenry: exit_stat=',exit_stat CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if command='cp fh2.txt fh2.txt_'//trim(name) CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=exit_stat) command='cp fh2.inp fh2.inp_'//trim(name) CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=exit_stat) command='cp Zc.mat Zc.mat_'//trim(name) CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=exit_stat) if (verbose) then write(*,*) write(*,*)' Processing frequency dependent impedance file from FastHenry2' write(*,*) end if OPEN(unit=fh2_output_file_unit,file='Zc.mat') do loop=1,2 n_freq_in=0 10 CONTINUE read(fh2_output_file_unit,'(A)',END=1000,ERR=1000)line if (line(1:32).NE.'Impedance matrix for frequency =') GOTO 10 ! if we get here then we have some impedance matrix data to read ! write(*,*)'Found impedance matrix:',trim(line) ! increase the number of frequencies for which we have an impedance matrix n_freq_in=n_freq_in+1 local_line_length=len(trim(line)) ! The following line needs to be changed to avoid a compilation warning freq_and_dim_string=line(33:local_line_length) ! write(*,*)'reading matrix for:',trim(freq_and_dim_string) ! replace the 'x' by a space then read the frequency, nrows and ncols local_line_length=len(trim(freq_and_dim_string)) do i=1,local_line_length if (freq_and_dim_string(i:i).EQ.'x') freq_and_dim_string(i:i)=' ' end do ! write(*,*)'data string:',trim(freq_and_dim_string) read(freq_and_dim_string,*)freq,nrows,ncols if (nrows.NE.ncols) then write(*,*)'****** ERROR: nrows.NE.ncols ******' end if ! write(*,*)'frequency=',freq,' n=',nrows if (loop.EQ.2) then freq_in(n_freq_in)=freq end if do r=1,nrows read(fh2_output_file_unit,'(A)',END=1000,ERR=1000)line if (loop.EQ.2) then ! replace the 'j's by a space then read the complex data local_line_length=len(trim(line)) do i=1,local_line_length if (line(i:i).EQ.'j') line(i:i)=' ' end do read(line,*)(values(i),i=1,2*ncols) do c=1,ncols re=values(c*2-1) im=values(c*2) Zc_in(n_freq_in,r,c)=cmplx(re,im) end do ! next column end if end do ! next row GOTO 10 ! continue to read the file ! Jump here when the file has been read 1000 CONTINUE if (loop.Eq.1) then if (verbose) write(*,*)'Number of frequencies=',n_freq_in ALLOCATE( freq_in(n_freq_in) ) ALLOCATE( Zc_in(n_freq_in,nrows,ncols) ) ALLOCATE( Rdc_domain(nrows,ncols) ) ALLOCATE( values(2*ncols) ) rewind(unit=fh2_output_file_unit) end if end do ! next file read loop CLOSE(unit=fh2_output_file_unit) matrix_dimension=PUL%n_conductors-1 if (matrix_dimension.NE.nrows) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 matrix dimension',matrix_dimension,nrows CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! Make the impedance matrix explicitly symmetric do floop=1,n_freq_in do r=1,nrows do c=r+1,ncols Zc_temp=(Zc_in(floop,r,c)+Zc_in(floop,c,r))/2d0 Zc_in(floop,r,c)=Zc_temp Zc_in(floop,c,r)=Zc_temp end do end do end do if (L_from_fasthenry) then ! For the modal decomposition, use the inductance from the highest frequency calculated ! ******************* TO BE USED WITH CARE DUE TO OBSERVED FASTER THAN LIGHT MODES AND ************* ! ********* MODE BEATING IN SOME PLANE PROBLEMS E.G. TWO WIRES OVER GND IN FREE SPACE ********* do r=1,nrows do c=1,ncols freq=freq_in(n_freq_in) w=2.0*pi*freq PUL%L%mat(r,c)=real(Zc_in(n_freq_in,r,c)/(j*w)) end do end do end if ! Save the resistance matrix from the lowest frequency calculated do r=1,nrows do c=1,ncols Rdc_domain(r,c)=real(Zc_in(1,r,c)) end do end do ! We calculate the inductance and resistance matrix at a number of frequencies before fitting filter functions ! to each of the frequency dependent impedance matrix entries. write(*,*)'**************************' write(*,*)'Process FastHenry2 results' write(*,*)'**************************' write(*,*)'Number of frequencies (freq_spec) =',freq_spec%n_frequencies write(*,*)'Number of frequencies (FastHenry2)=',n_freq_in ! Frequency check if (n_freq_in.NE.freq_spec%n_frequencies) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 n_frequencies specification',n_freq_in,freq_spec%n_frequencies CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if do floop=1,n_freq_in ferr=abs(freq_spec%freq_list(floop)-freq_in(floop))/(freq_spec%freq_list(floop)+freq_in(floop)) if (ferr.GT.0.001) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_RL_FastHenry2 frequency samples, floop=',floop, & ' freq_spec=',freq_spec%freq_list(floop),' freq_FH2=',freq_in(floop) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if end do ! loop over frequency if (verbose) then do floop=1,n_freq_in write(*,*)freq_spec%freq_list(floop),freq_in(floop) end do end if ! we have frequency domain impedance matrix, Zc ! loop over the elements of Zc and the Zfilter matrix by filter fitting ALLOCATE( function_to_fit(1:freq_spec%n_frequencies) ) do row=1,matrix_dimension do col=row,matrix_dimension ! get the function values for this matrix element function_to_fit=R-Rdc+jwL do floop=1,freq_spec%n_frequencies function_to_fit(floop)=Zc_in(floop,row,col)-Rdc_domain(row,col) end do ! calculate the Zfilter matrix using the filter fitting process ! note aorder=border and no restrictions are put on the function CALL Calculate_Sfilter(function_to_fit,freq_spec%freq_list,freq_spec%n_frequencies, & PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col),fit_order+1,-1,2) ! note type 2 filter fit=> a0=0.0 if (col.NE.row) then ! make the matrix symmetrical PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(col,row)=PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col) end if end do ! next col end do ! next row DEALLOCATE( function_to_fit ) DEALLOCATE( freq_in ) DEALLOCATE( Zc_in ) DEALLOCATE( Rdc_domain ) DEALLOCATE( values ) if (verbose) then write(*,*)'FINISHED: PUL_RL_FastHenry2' write(*,*)'Inductance matrix, L' CALL dwrite_matrix(PUL%L%mat,nrows,ncols,nrows,0) end if if (verbose) write(*,*)'FINISHED PUL_RL_FastHenry2' ! STOP 1 END SUBROUTINE PUL_RL_FastHenry2