! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! ! File Contents: ! PROGRAM cable_bundle_model_builder ! ! NAME ! cable_bundle_model_builder ! ! AUTHORS ! Chris Smartt ! ! DESCRIPTION ! The cable_bundle_model_builder brings together a number of cable models, ground plane and ! overshield models with their position in the bundle cross section as required to build a model of a cable bundle. ! The output of the bundle_model_builder code is a file name.bundle which can be used to generate Spice cable bundle models ! for a particular modellling scenario using the program spice_cable_bundle_model_builder ! ! The input to the program is the name of a cablebundle specification file. A file name.bundle_spec must exist, containing ! all the data required to specify a cable bundle. ! ! The .cable files referred to in the .bundle_spec file are looked for in a directory specified in the .bundle_spec file. ! This may be the local directory (./) or another specified path. In this way the software can interact with a ! library of cable models (MOD). ! ! The output of the cable_bundle_model_builder code is a file name.bundle which can be used as an input to the ! spice_cable_bundle_model_builder software ! ! The .bundle file is placed in a directory specified in the .bundle_spec file. This may be the local directory (./) ! or another specified path. In this way the software can interact with a library of cable models (MOD). ! ! The program may be run with the cable bundle name specified in the command line i.e. 'cable_bundle_model_builder name' ! or it the name is absent from the command line, the user is prompted for the name. ! ! COMMENTS ! Update to V2 ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 17/11/2015 CJS: STAGE_1 developments ! started 3/2/2016 CJS: STAGE_2 developments - multi-conductor bundles ! started 22/3/2016 CJS: STAGE_3 developments - multi-domain bundles (shielded cables) ! started 13/4/2016 CJS: Simplify the code and improve the notation. At this stage the format of the .bundle_spec file changed ! Shift the complex bundle building processes into BUNDLE_DOMAIN_CREATION/create_global_domain_structure.F90 ! 20/4/2016 CJS: Allow the code to read x,y OR x, y, theta formats for cable position and orientation. Similar for ground plane ! 27/4/2016 CJS: Include a conductor based impedance (loss) model ! 29/6/2016 CJS: Check that the cables are all on one side of the ground plane if it is present ! December 2016 CJS Version 2: Rationalise cable types so that there is only a single version of each type of cable ! 24/2/2017 CJS Allow the input name to include a path i.e. the _spec file does not need to be local. ! 13/3/2018 CJS Add flag for direct/ iterative matrix solver in Laplace solution and inf/finite ground plane ! 19/6/2018 CJS Add flag for Neumann/ Asymptotic boundary condition in Laplace solver. Default is Neumann ! 21/12/2023: Trap the special case of a tristed pair in free space which needs a special process... ! PROGRAM cable_bundle_model_builder USE type_specifications USE general_module USE constants USE cable_module USE cable_bundle_module USE PUL_parameter_module USE filter_module USE maths USE bundle_domain_creation IMPLICIT NONE ! local variables ! command line argument value and length if it exists character(len=filename_length) :: argument1 integer :: argument1_length character(len=filename_length) :: bundle_name_with_path ! name of the bundle including the path character(len=filename_length) :: bundle_path ! path to the bundle_spec file character(len=filename_length) :: bundle_name ! name of the bundle character(len=filename_length) :: filename ! filename of the .bundle_spec file ! structure for the bundle specification (see CABLE_BUNDLE_MODULES/cable_bundle_module.F90) type(bundle_specification_type) ::bundle_spec logical :: file_exists character(len=line_length) :: line integer :: ierr,ierr2 ! integers to return error codes from file reads ! loop variables integer :: cable integer :: domain integer :: dim logical :: must_use_laplace ! START program_name="cable_bundle_model_builder" run_status='Started' CALL write_program_status() CALL read_version() CALL write_license() ! Open the input file describing the cable bundle parameters ! This file could be created by the associated GUI or otherwise generated CALL get_command_argument(1 , argument1, argument1_length) if (argument1_length.NE.0) then bundle_name_with_path=trim(argument1) else write(*,*)'Enter the name of the cable bundle specification data (without .bundle_spec extension)' read(*,'(A)')bundle_name_with_path end if CALL strip_path(bundle_name_with_path,bundle_path,bundle_name) filename=trim(bundle_name_with_path)//bundle_spec_file_extn inquire(file=trim(filename),exist=file_exists) if (.NOT.file_exists) then run_status='ERROR Cannot find the file:'//trim(filename) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! set the version tag in the cable_bundle structure bundle_spec%version=SPICE_CABLE_MODEL_BUILDER_version ! open and read the .bundle_spec file OPEN(unit=bundle_spec_file_unit,file=filename) write(*,*)'Opened file:',trim(filename) ! set the bundle name to be the same as the name of the bundle specification data bundle_spec%bundle_name=bundle_name ! read .bundle_spec file. ! read the MOD directory information for the cable and bundle models read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(bundle_spec_file_unit,'(A)')MOD_cable_lib_dir CALL path_format(MOD_cable_lib_dir) read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(bundle_spec_file_unit,'(A)')MOD_bundle_lib_dir CALL path_format(MOD_bundle_lib_dir) ! ensure that the paths exist if (.NOT.path_exists(MOD_cable_lib_dir)) then run_status='ERROR MOD_cable_lib_dir does not exist '//trim(MOD_cable_lib_dir) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if CALL check_and_make_path(MOD_bundle_lib_dir) read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,IOSTAT=ierr)bundle_spec%n_cables if (ierr.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR reading bundle_spec%n_cables ' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! Allocate the cable based data structures including an additional cable for the ground plane if required ALLOCATE( bundle_spec%cable(1:bundle_spec%n_cables+1) ) ALLOCATE( bundle_spec%cable_x_offset(1:bundle_spec%n_cables+1) ) ALLOCATE( bundle_spec%cable_y_offset(1:bundle_spec%n_cables+1) ) ALLOCATE( bundle_spec%cable_angle(1:bundle_spec%n_cables+1) ) ! read the name (which indicates the name.cable file specifying the cable) ! and position in the x-y bundle cross section of each cable do cable=1,bundle_spec%n_cables read(bundle_spec_file_unit,'(A)',IOSTAT=ierr)bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_name if (ierr.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR reading bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_name ' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if read(bundle_spec_file_unit,'(A)',IOSTAT=ierr)line read(line,*,IOSTAT=ierr)bundle_spec%cable_x_offset(cable), & bundle_spec%cable_y_offset(cable), & bundle_spec%cable_angle(cable) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! Try reading the old format, set angle to zero and read x and y only bundle_spec%cable_angle(cable)=0d0 read(line,*,IOSTAT=ierr2)bundle_spec%cable_x_offset(cable), & bundle_spec%cable_y_offset(cable) if (ierr2.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR reading bundle_spec%cable_x_offset(cable),bundle_spec%cable_y_offset(cable)' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if end if bundle_spec%cable_angle(cable)=bundle_spec%cable_angle(cable)*pi/180d0 ! convert angle to radians end do ! read the informaton for the next cable ! read ground plane specification (if it exists, if it is absent then assume we have no ground plane) read(bundle_spec_file_unit,'(A)',IOSTAT=ierr)line if (ierr.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR reading ground plane present/ absent information' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if CALL convert_to_lower_case(line,line_length) bundle_spec%n_cables_without_ground_plane=bundle_spec%n_cables if (line.eq.'ground_plane') then bundle_spec%ground_plane_present=.TRUE. ! include an additional cable in the cable list for the ground plane (space for this is already allocated) bundle_spec%n_cables=bundle_spec%n_cables+1 cable=bundle_spec%n_cables ! We now assume that the ground plane is along the x axis in the bundle cross section ! set x, y, theta, angle and offset to 0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_x=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_y=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_theta=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_angle=pi/2d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_nx=cos(bundle_spec%ground_plane_angle) bundle_spec%ground_plane_ny=sin(bundle_spec%ground_plane_angle) bundle_spec%ground_plane_offset=bundle_spec%ground_plane_nx*bundle_spec%ground_plane_x+ & bundle_spec%ground_plane_ny*bundle_spec%ground_plane_y ! copy to cable structure bundle_spec%cable_x_offset(cable)=bundle_spec%ground_plane_x bundle_spec%cable_y_offset(cable)=bundle_spec%ground_plane_y bundle_spec%cable_angle(cable)=bundle_spec%ground_plane_theta ! create conductor impedance model for the new cable ALLOCATE(bundle_spec%cable(cable)%conductor_impedance(1:1)) bundle_spec%cable(cable)%conductor_impedance(1)%impedance_model_type=impedance_model_type_PEC bundle_spec%cable(cable)%conductor_impedance(1)%Resistance_multiplication_factor=1d0 bundle_spec%cable(cable)%conductor_impedance(1)%radius=0d0 bundle_spec%cable(cable)%conductor_impedance(1)%conductivity=0d0 else if (line.eq.'no_ground_plane') then bundle_spec%ground_plane_present=.FALSE. ! no ground plane present ! set x, y, theta, angle and offset to 0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_x=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_y=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_theta=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_angle=0d0 bundle_spec%ground_plane_offset=0d0 else ! no ground plane information was given bundle_spec%ground_plane_present=.FALSE. ! no ground plane present ! go back one line of the input file before continuing to read the .bundle_spec file backspace(unit=bundle_spec_file_unit) end if ! ground plane ! Set deafult propagation correction transfer function fit information bundle_spec%Y_fit_model_order=0 CALL reset_frequency_specification(bundle_spec%Y_fit_freq_spec) CALL set_up_frequency_specification(bundle_spec%Y_fit_freq_spec) ! Read the optional propagation correction transfer function fit information read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,IOSTAT=ierr)bundle_spec%Y_fit_model_order if (ierr.NE.0) then ! Assume there is no filter fit information specified so move on to the next stage backspace(bundle_spec_file_unit) goto 100 end if write(*,*)'Reading the filter fit frequency range' CALL read_and_set_up_frequency_specification(bundle_spec%Y_fit_freq_spec,bundle_spec_file_unit) 100 continue ! the file can contain flags to control the running of the software and the output rewind(bundle_spec_file_unit) write(*,*)'Processing flags' do read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=110,ERR=110)line CALL convert_to_lower_case(line,line_length) ! Set flags according to the information at the end of the .spice_model_spec file if (INDEX(line,'verbose').NE.0) verbose=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'use_s_xfer').NE.0) use_s_xfer=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_s_xfer').NE.0) use_s_xfer=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_laplace').NE.0) use_Laplace=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_laplace').NE.0) use_Laplace=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'plot_potential').NE.0) plot_potential=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_plot_potential').NE.0) plot_potential=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'plot_mesh').NE.0) plot_mesh=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_plot_mesh').NE.0) plot_mesh=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'direct_solver').NE.0) direct_solver=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'iterative_solver').NE.0) direct_solver=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'inf_gnd').NE.0) inf_gnd=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'finite_gnd').NE.0) inf_gnd=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'abc').NE.0) use_ABC=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'neumann').NE.0) use_ABC=.FALSE. ! redefine mesh generation parameters if required if (INDEX(line,'laplace_boundary_constant').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)Laplace_boundary_constant end if if (INDEX(line,'laplace_surface_mesh_constant').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)Laplace_surface_mesh_constant end if if (INDEX(line,'twisted_pair_equivalent_radius').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)Twisted_pair_equivalent_radius end if if (INDEX(line,'max_mesh_edge_length').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)max_mesh_edge_length end if if (INDEX(line,'gp_edge_length').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)gp_edge_length end if if (INDEX(line,'cg_tol').NE.0) then read(bundle_spec_file_unit,*,END=9000,ERR=9000)cg_tol end if end do ! continue until all flags are read - indicated by an end of file. 110 CONTINUE ! close the bundle_spec file CLOSE(unit=bundle_spec_file_unit) write(*,*)'Closed file:',trim(filename) write(*,*)'Total number of cables (including ground plane):',bundle_spec%n_cables write(*,*)'Number of cables (not including ground plane) :',bundle_spec%n_cables_without_ground_plane ! read the .cable files required to build the bundle ! Also check which cable types need to use the Laplace solver in the external domain must_use_laplace=.FALSE. do cable=1,bundle_spec%n_cables_without_ground_plane CALL read_cable( bundle_spec%cable(cable),cable_file_unit) if ( (bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type.EQ.cable_geometry_type_flex_cable) & .OR.(bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type.EQ.cable_geometry_type_ML_flex_cable) ) then must_use_laplace=.TRUE. end if if ( (bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type.EQ.cable_geometry_type_dconnector) & .AND.(bundle_spec%n_cables.GT.1) ) then must_use_laplace=.TRUE. end if end do ! read the next cable file in the bundle ! 21/12/2023: Check for the special case of a tristed pair in free space which needs ! a special process... if (bundle_spec%n_cables.Eq.1) then cable=1 if (bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type.EQ.cable_geometry_type_twisted_pair) then run_status='ERROR: twisted pair cable in free space with no other conductors. Model this using two cylindrical wires' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if end if ! Check whether Laplace solver must be used if (must_use_laplace.AND.(.NOT.use_Laplace)) then run_status='ERROR: The laplace solver must be used for this cable bundle.' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! set the ground plane cable data (if it is present) if (bundle_spec%ground_plane_present) then cable=bundle_spec%n_cables bundle_spec%cable(cable)%version=SPICE_CABLE_MODEL_BUILDER_version bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_name='ground plane' bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type_string='ground_plane' bundle_spec%cable(cable)%cable_type=cable_geometry_type_ground_plane CALL ground_plane_set_parameters(bundle_spec%cable(cable)) CALL ground_plane_set_internal_domain_information(bundle_spec%cable(cable)) ! check that all the conductors are on one side of the ground plane CALL check_cables_wrt_ground_plane(bundle_spec) end if ! Write the bundle cross section (condcutors and dielectrics) to files suitable for gnuplot CALL plot_bundle_cross_section(bundle_spec) ! check whether there is any intersection between cables CALL check_cable_intersection(bundle_spec) ! now we have the complete bundle specification information we can go and build the bundle structure CALL create_global_domain_structure(bundle_spec) ! Create the arrays of x and y coordinates of each conductor which are used in the incident field excitation ! moved from before create_global_domain_structure CALL set_conductor_positions_for_Einc(bundle_spec) if (verbose) then ! Write the .bundle structure to screen write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Domain inductance matrices [L]' write(*,*)'' do domain=1,bundle_spec%tot_n_domains write(*,*)'Domain=',domain,' matrix dimension=',bundle_spec%L(domain)%dim dim=bundle_spec%L(domain)%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%L(domain)%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) end do write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Domain capacitance matrices [C]' write(*,*)'' do domain=1,bundle_spec%tot_n_domains write(*,*)'Domain=',domain,' matrix dimension=',bundle_spec%C(domain)%dim dim=bundle_spec%C(domain)%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%C(domain)%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) end do write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Global external to domain conductor current transformation matrix, [MI]' write(*,*)'' dim=bundle_spec%global_MI%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%global_MI%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Global external to domain conductor voltage transformation matrix, [MV]' write(*,*)'' dim=bundle_spec%global_MV%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%global_MV%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Global Inductance matrix, [L]' write(*,*)'' dim=bundle_spec%global_L%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%global_L%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) write(*,*)'____________________________________________' write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Global Capacitance matrix, [C]' write(*,*)'' dim=bundle_spec%global_C%dim CALL dwrite_matrix(bundle_spec%global_C%mat,dim,dim,dim,0) end if ! verbose CALL write_cable_bundle(bundle_spec,bundle_file_unit) CALL deallocate_frequency_specification(bundle_spec%Y_fit_freq_spec) CALL deallocate_cable_bundle(bundle_spec) ! finish up run_status='Finished_Correctly' CALL write_program_status() STOP 9000 run_status='ERROR reading control parameter from the bundle_spec file' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 END PROGRAM cable_bundle_model_builder