Install MinGW:

1. Download and run the MinGW automated installer from:

Double click to run the installer. Click 'Install' and accept the defualt selection througout the process. 

Once completed the MinGW manager will appear. In the right hand pane, click each of the packages presented and chose 'Mark for Installation. Then from the Installation menu chose 'Apply Changes'

This will install MinGw and the associated toolset in C:\MinGW.

2. Configure MSYS:

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to: C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc

Within the file 'fstab' remove all but the line 
'c:/mingw		/mingw' 

and ensure there is a blank line or two below this in the file. Save the file as 'fstab' (no file extenion). 

3. Create a shortcut to MinGW/MSYS

Navigate to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0 and right click on the file mysy.bat and select 'Create Shortcut'. Right click the shortcut, select properties, click 'Change Icon' (clicking ok on the first messge box that appears). In the Change Icon dialoguie box, browse to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0 and and select one of the icons. Click 'Open', then 'OK' and the 'Apply' and 'OK' to finish. This shortcut can then be copied to your desktop and used to lauch a command window.

4. Add MinGW to your PATH (Windows 7/8/10)

Right-click on your "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".

Click on the "Advanced" tab, then on the "Environment Variables" button.

Click on the PATH entry in the TOP (User variable for...) box, then click on the "Edit" button

At the end of the string add ';C:\MinGW\bin'. Click OK through dialogue boxes until completed.

If there is no 'PATH' variable, click on 'New' to create it. 


Install NGSpice:

1. Download the latest version of NGSpice from Source Forge:

2. Locate the ngspice-*_*.zip. Where *_* will be the version number downloaded. Right click to extract (expand) to a folder. This folder now contains the ngspice executables. It is recommened that you copy the content of the folder to C:\ngspice.

3. Add ngspice to your PATH (windows (7/8/10)

Right-click on your "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".

Click on the "Advanced" tab, then on the "Environment Variables" button.

Click on the PATH entry in the TOP (User variable for...) box, then click on the "Edit" button

At the end of the string add ';C:\ngspice\bin'. Click OK through dialogue boxes until completed.


Install Gnuplot:

1. Download the latest version of Gnuplot from

2. Locate the installer and double click to install, accepting all the default options through the process.

3. Add Gnuplot to your PATH (windows (7/8/10)

Check the location of the Gnuplot install. It will be either C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuplot or C:\Program Files\gnuplot depending on your version of Windows. Right-click on your "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".

Click on the "Advanced" tab, then on the "Environment Variables" button.

Click on the PATH entry in the TOP (User variable for...) box, then click on the "Edit" button

At the end of the string add ';C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuplot\bin' or ';C:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin' whichever is appropriate. Click OK through dialogue boxes until completed.



1. Download the latest copy of the repository from

2. Extract the contents to a folder and rename the containing folder as you like, e.g. spice_cables. Using windows explorer, copy this folder to 'C:\Mingw\msys\1.0\home\your_user_name

3. Doulble click the shortcut to MinGW/mysy created earlier to bring up the MinGW terminal. In the terminal navigate into the folder you copied across (I'll use the example spice_cables) by typing 'cd spice_cables'. 
Then move into the source code directory 'cd SRC' and edit the makefile such that the Compilation Flags include -static (Option 1b). Then type 'make OS=WINDOWS' to build the project.

4. This will create windows exectuables in 'spice_cables\bin'.

5. Copy the 'spice_cables\bin' folder into your Windows programs folder. This is usually 'C:\Program Files (x86)' or 'C:\Program Files'

6. Add this to your PATH (windows (7/8/10)

Right-click on your "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".

Click on the "Advanced" tab, then on the "Environment Variables" button.

Click on the PATH entry in the TOP (User variable for...) box, then click on the "Edit" button

At the end of the string add ';C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuplot\bin' or ';C:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin' whichever is appropriate. Click OK through dialogue boxes until completed.

7. From the command line you can now run the components of ESA_SPICE_CABELLING_MODELLING: (1) cable_model builder, (2) cable_bundel_model_builder, (3)spice_cable_bundle_model_builder or (4) compare_results.

The easiest way to use the software is to create a folder for your model. Right click that folder whilst holding down the SHIFT key and select 'Open Commeand Window Here' and then run the appropriate process(es) from the command line. The results will all then be saved within this folder. This assumes the specification (_SPEC) files are within this folder for the cable type etc. and the paths within them are left as default i.e. the current folder.

Install gmsh

1. Download the latest version of Gnuplot from

2. Add gmsh to your PATH (windows (7/8/10)

Check the location of the gmsh install. Right-click on your "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".

Click on the "Advanced" tab, then on the "Environment Variables" button.

Click on the PATH entry in the TOP (User variable for...) box, then click on the "Edit" button

At the end of the string add ';C:\gmsh\gmsh-3.04-Windows' (or whatever the path is to the executable gmsh). Click OK through dialogue boxes until completed.