! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! File Contents: ! SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global ! SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global_ZY ! SUBROUTINE calc_eigenvectors ! SUBROUTINE test_decomposition ! ! NAME ! modal_decomposition_global ! ! AUTHORS ! Chris Smartt ! ! DESCRIPTION ! This subroutine calculates the modal decomposition for the global YZ product ! The theory is in the Theory Manual_Section 3.3 however there is more detailed discussion in ! C. R. Paul,'Analasys of Multiconductor transmission lines,' ! ! COMMENTS ! In practice we operate on the domain based YZ product as it seems to be numerically ! better in the case of degenerate eigenvalues, then we transform the eigenvector matrix ! with the domain decomposition matrix MII to give TI. The eigenvaluse are unchanged. ! i.e.(V_domain)=[MV] (V_global), (I_domain)=[MI] (I_global) ! (V_domain)=[Z_domain] (I_domain), (I_domain)=[Y_domain](V_domain) ! (V_global)=[Z_global] (I_global), (I_global)=[Y_global](V_global) ! if [TI] diagonalises [Y_global][Z_global] i.e. [Y_global][Z_global]=[TI][gammasqr][TI^-1] ! and [MPI]diagonalises [Y_domain][Z_domain] i.e. [Y_domain][Z_domain] = [MPI][gammasqr][MPI^-1] then ! [TI]=[MI^-1][MPI] ! ! There were originally problems if the system was highly degenerate.... ! This problem has been fudged by applying a small perturbation to the diagonal elements of ! the YZ product. Maybe we need to assess the impact of this on mode identificaton for ! the propagation correction? ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 7/12/2015 CJS: STAGE_1 developments ! April 2016 CJS. Use impedance and admittance matrices for frequency dependent model ! May 2016 CJS. Attempt to improve the reliability of the solution for degenerate modes (problem with spacewire model) ! 8/5/2017 CJS: Include references to Theory_Manual ! SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global(dim,Z_domain,Y_domain,MV,MVI,MI,MII, & Y,Z,TI,TII,TV,TVI,GAMMA_C,GAMMA_SQR,gamma_r,D,sqrtDI,ZC,YC,Zm,Ym,Zmd,Ymd) USE type_specifications USE general_module USE constants USE eispack USE maths IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to the subroutine integer,intent(IN) :: dim ! dimension of matrix system complex(dp),intent(IN) :: Z_domain(dim,dim) ! domain based impedance matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: Y_domain(dim,dim) ! domain based admittance matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MV(dim,dim) ! domain voltage decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MVI(dim,dim) ! inverse domain voltage decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MI(dim,dim) ! domain current decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MII(dim,dim) ! inverse domain current decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: Z(dim,dim) ! glabal based impedance matrix complex(dp) :: Y(dim,dim) ! glabal based admittance matrix complex(dp) :: GAMMA_SQR(dim) ! diagonal matrix elements in YZ/ ZY diagonalisation complex(dp) :: TV(dim,dim) ! modal decomposition matrix [Z][Y]=[TV][GAMMA_SQR][TVI] complex(dp) :: TVI(dim,dim) ! inverse modal decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: TI(dim,dim) ! modal decomposition matrix [Y][Z]=[TI][GAMMA_SQR][TII] complex(dp) :: TII(dim,dim) ! inverse modal decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: Zm(dim,dim) ! modal characteristic impedance matrix complex(dp) :: Ym(dim,dim) ! modal characteristic admittance matrix complex(dp) :: Zmd(dim) ! modal characteristic impedance list complex(dp) :: Ymd(dim) ! modal characteristic impedance list complex(dp) :: GAMMA_C(dim) ! complex square root of GAMMA_SQR real(dp) :: gamma_r(dim) ! real part of the complex square root of GAMMA_SQR complex(dp) :: D(dim,dim) ! full matrix with GAMMA_C elements on the diagonal complex(dp) :: sqrtDI(dim,dim) ! full matrix with 1/sqrt(GAMMA_C) elements on the diagonal complex(dp) :: ZC(dim,dim) ! Characteristic impedance matrix complex(dp) :: YC(dim,dim) ! Characteristic admittance matrix ! local variables complex(dp) :: YZ(dim,dim) ! YZ matrix product to be diagonalised ! temposrary matrices used in the calculations complex(dp) :: T1(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: T2(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: YDZD(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: MPI(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: TM1(dim,dim) real(dp) :: condition_number ! matrix condition number ! loop variables integer :: row,col ! error code for matrix inverse calculation integer :: ierr ! START ! Calculate the product ofthe transmission line impedance (Z) and admittance (Y) matrices if(verbose) write(*,*)'CALLED modal_decomposition_global' YZ=matmul(Y,Z) YDZD=matmul(Y_domain,Z_domain) ! perform a modal decomposition on the YZ product Theory_Manual_Eqn 2.36 ! using eispack routines to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the YZ ! Perturb the diagonal elements very slightly to eliminate the ! problem with finding all the eigenvectors corresponding to degenerate eigenvalues. ! The perturbation is very small compared with the approximations applied to obtain the ! original L and C matrices... See Theory_Manual_Section 2.3.1 do row=1,dim YDZD(row,row)=YDZD(row,row)*(1d0+1D-8*row) end do ! calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of YDZD CALL calc_eigenvectors(YDZD,GAMMA_SQR,MPI,dim) ! Calculate the modal decomposition matrix for the global based currents. TI=matmul(MII,MPI) GAMMA_C(:)=sqrt(GAMMA_SQR(:)) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert TI' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(TI,dim,TII,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert TI' GAMMA_SQR(:)=GAMMA_C(:)*GAMMA_C gamma_r(:)=sqrt(-dble(GAMMA_SQR(:))) ! real part of gamma ! get the diagonal matrix with diagonal elements gamma, and its inverse D(:,:)=0d0 sqrtDI(:,:)=0d0 do row=1,dim D(row,row)=GAMMA_C(row)*GAMMA_C(row) sqrtDI(row,row)=1d0/GAMMA_C(row) end do ! Calculate the voltage transformation matrices based on Theory_Manual_Eqn 2.37 ! noting that the transpose of the inverse of a matrix is equal to the inverse of the transpose of a matrix TV=transpose(TII) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert TV' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(TV,dim,TVI,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert TV' ! Calculate the characteristic impedance matrix Theory_Manual_Eqn 2.41 T1=matmul(sqrtDI,TII) T2=matmul(TI,T1) ZC=matmul(Z,T2) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert ZC' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(ZC,dim,YC,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert ZC' ! Calculate the modal impedance matrix T1=matmul(Z,TI) Zm=matmul(TVI,T1) ! Calculate the modal admittance matrix T1=matmul(Y,TV) Ym=matmul(TII,T1) ! Calculate Modal impedance do row=1,dim Zmd(row)=Zm(row,row) Ymd(row)=Ym(row,row) end do if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Modal decomposition of Global matrix YZ:' CALL write_cmatrix_re(YZ,dim,0) do col=1,dim write(*,*) write(*,*)'Modal decomposition: Mode number',col write(*,*) write(*,*)'Eigenvalue',GAMMA_SQR(col) write(*,*) write(*,*)'Eigenvector' do row=1,dim write(*,*)row,TI(row,col) end do end do CALL c_condition_number(TI,dim,condition_number,dim) write(*,*)'Condition number of TI matrix =',condition_number CALL test_decomposition(YZ,GAMMA_SQR,TI,dim) end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global ! ! NAME ! modal_decomposition_global_ZY ! ! AUTHORS ! Chris Smartt ! ! DESCRIPTION ! This subroutine calculates the modal decomposition for the global ZY product ! ! COMMENTS ! Adapted from modal_decomposition_global ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 7/12/2015 CJS: STAGE_1 developments ! April 2016 CJS. Use impedance and admittance matrices for frequency dependent model ! May 2016 CJS. Attempt to improve the reliability of the solution for degenerate modes (problem with spacewire model) ! 21/4/2017 CJS Adapted from modal_decomposition_global ! SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global_ZY(dim,Z_domain,Y_domain,MV,MVI,MI,MII, & Y,Z,TI,TII,TV,TVI,GAMMA_C,GAMMA_SQR,gamma_r,D,sqrtDI,ZC,YC,Zm,Ym,Zmd,Ymd) USE type_specifications USE general_module USE constants USE eispack USE maths IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to the subroutine integer,intent(IN) :: dim ! dimension of matrix system complex(dp),intent(IN) :: Z_domain(dim,dim) ! domain based impedance matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: Y_domain(dim,dim) ! domain based admittance matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MV(dim,dim) ! domain voltage decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MVI(dim,dim) ! inverse domain voltage decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MI(dim,dim) ! domain current decomposition matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: MII(dim,dim) ! inverse domain current decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: Z(dim,dim) ! glabal based impedance matrix complex(dp) :: Y(dim,dim) ! glabal based admittance matrix complex(dp) :: GAMMA_SQR(dim) ! diagonal matrix elements in YZ/ ZY diagonalisation complex(dp) :: TV(dim,dim) ! modal decomposition matrix [Z][Y]=[TV][GAMMA_SQR][TVI] complex(dp) :: TVI(dim,dim) ! inverse modal decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: TI(dim,dim) ! modal decomposition matrix [Y][Z]=[TI][GAMMA_SQR][TII] complex(dp) :: TII(dim,dim) ! inverse modal decomposition matrix complex(dp) :: Zm(dim,dim) ! modal characteristic impedance matrix complex(dp) :: Ym(dim,dim) ! modal characteristic admittance matrix complex(dp) :: Zmd(dim) ! modal characteristic impedance list complex(dp) :: Ymd(dim) ! modal characteristic impedance list complex(dp) :: GAMMA_C(dim) ! complex square root of GAMMA_SQR real(dp) :: gamma_r(dim) ! real part of the complex square root of GAMMA_SQR complex(dp) :: D(dim,dim) ! full matrix with GAMMA_C elements on the diagonal complex(dp) :: sqrtDI(dim,dim) ! full matrix with 1/sqrt(GAMMA_C) elements on the diagonal complex(dp) :: ZC(dim,dim) ! Characteristic impedance matrix complex(dp) :: YC(dim,dim) ! Characteristic admittance matrix ! local variables complex(dp) :: ZY(dim,dim) ! YZ matrix product to be diagonalised ! temposrary matrices used in the calculations complex(dp) :: T1(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: T2(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: ZDYD(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: MPI(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: TM1(dim,dim) real(dp) :: condition_number ! matrix condition number ! loop variables integer :: row,col ! error code for matrix inverse calculation integer :: ierr ! START ! Calculate the product ofthe transmission line admittance (Y) and impedance (Z) matrices if(verbose) write(*,*)'CALLED modal_decomposition_global_ZY' ZY=matmul(Z,Y) ZDYD=matmul(Z_domain,Y_domain) ! perform a modal decomposition on the ZY product (equation 2.8) ! using eispack routines to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the ZY ! In practice we operate on the domain based ZY product as it seems to be numerically ! better in the case of degenerate eigenvalues, then we transform the eigenvector matrix ! with the domain decomposition matrix MVI to give TV The eigenvaluse are unchanged. ! i.e.(V_domain)=[MV] (V_global), (I_domain)=[MI] (I_global) ! (V_domain)=[Z_domain] (I_domain), (I_domain)=[Y_domain](V_domain) ! (V_global)=[Z_global] (I_global), (I_global)=[Y_global](V_global) ! if [TV] diagonalises [Z_global][Y_global] i.e. [Z_global][Y_global]=[TV][gammasqr][TV^-1] ! and [MPI]diagonalises [D_domain][Y_domain] i.e. [Z_domain][Y_domain] = [MPI][gammasqr][MPI^-1] then ! [TV]=[MV^-1][MPI] ! Perturb the diagonal elements very slightly to eliminate the ! problem with finding all the eigenvectors corresponding to degenerate eigenvalues. ! The perturbation is very small compared with the approximations applied to obtain the ! original L and C matrices... See Theory_Manual_Section 2.3.1 do row=1,dim ZDYD(row,row)=ZDYD(row,row)*(1d0+1D-8*row) end do ! calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of YDZD CALL calc_eigenvectors(ZDYD,GAMMA_SQR,MPI,dim) TV=matmul(MVI,MPI) GAMMA_C(:)=sqrt(GAMMA_SQR(:)) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert TV' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(TV,dim,TVI,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global_ZY. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert TV' GAMMA_SQR(:)=GAMMA_C(:)*GAMMA_C gamma_r(:)=sqrt(-dble(GAMMA_SQR(:))) ! get the diagonal matrix D(:,:)=0d0 sqrtDI(:,:)=0d0 do row=1,dim D(row,row)=GAMMA_C(row)*GAMMA_C(row) sqrtDI(row,row)=1d0/GAMMA_C(row) end do ! Calculate the voltage transformation matrices based on Theory_Manual_Eqn 2.37 TII=transpose(TV) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert TII' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(TII,dim,TI,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global_ZY. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert TII' ! Calculate the characteristic impedance matrix Zc=Tv gamma^-1 TVI Z (derived in a mannaer similar to Theory_Manual_Eqn 2.41) T1=matmul(sqrtDI,TVI) T2=matmul(TV,T1) ZC=matmul(T2,Z) if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert ZC' ierr=1 ! set ierr=1 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to return here if we have a singular matrix CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(ZC,dim,YC,dim,ierr) if (ierr.NE.0) then ! we have a singular matrix here run_status='ERROR in modal_decomposition_global_ZY. Singular matrix' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if(verbose) write(*,*)'Done: Invert ZC' ! Calculate the modal impedance matrix T1=matmul(Z,TI) Zm=matmul(TVI,T1) ! Calculate the modal admittance matrix T1=matmul(Y,TV) Ym=matmul(TII,T1) ! Calculate Modal impedance do row=1,dim Zmd(row)=Zm(row,row) Ymd(row)=Ym(row,row) end do if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Modal decomposition of Global matrix ZY:' CALL write_cmatrix_re(ZY,dim,0) do col=1,dim write(*,*) write(*,*)'Modal decomposition: Mode number',col write(*,*) write(*,*)'Eigenvalue',GAMMA_SQR(col) write(*,*) write(*,*)'Eigenvector' do row=1,dim write(*,*)row,TV(row,col) end do end do CALL c_condition_number(TV,dim,condition_number,dim) write(*,*)'Condition number of TV matrix =',condition_number CALL test_decomposition(ZY,GAMMA_SQR,TV,dim) end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global_ZY ! ! NAME SUBROUTINE calc_eigenvectors ! ! wrapper for the eispack codes cg and rg ! ! DESCRIPTION ! Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general complex matrix. ! We automatically detect if the system is real and use SUBROUTINE rg from eispack ! otherwise we use SUBROUTINE cg from eispack ! A small perturbation is applied to the matrix to prevent a problem with degenerate ! systems where the eispack subroutine would occasionally return the same eigenvector ! for more than one of the degenerate eigenvalues (i.e. the diagonalised system ! would be singular which causes problems in the subsequent analysis.) ! ! COMMENTS ! Order the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) with largest first. ! ! HISTORY ! ! 17/06/2016 CJS. Use the eispack routine rg for real matrices to try and improve robustness ! SUBROUTINE calc_eigenvectors(M,gamma,P,dim) USE type_specifications USE general_module USE eispack USE maths IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(IN) :: dim ! matrix dimension complex(dp),intent(IN) :: M(dim,dim) ! input matrix complex(dp),intent(OUT) :: gamma(dim) ! vector of eigenvalues to be returned complex(dp),intent(OUT) :: P(dim,dim) ! matrix of eigenvectors to be returned, eigenvectors in columns ! local variables complex(dp) :: lambda complex(dp) :: AML(dim,dim) complex(dp) c1,c2 complex(dp) x1,x2 ! EISPACK variables (see eispack routines rg,cg for their meanings) integer(i4) n real(dp) :: ai(dim,dim) real(dp) :: ar(dim,dim) integer(i4) :: ierr integer(i4):: matz real(dp) :: wi(dim) real(dp) :: wr(dim) real(dp) :: zi(dim,dim) real(dp) :: zr(dim,dim) ! normalisation variables real(dp) norm real(dp) max_value integer row,col complex(dp) :: largest_element real(dp) :: mag_largest_element ! variables for testing whether we have a real or complex system real(dp) :: max_re,max_im,re_test ! variables for sorting eigenvalues and eigenvectors real(dp) :: min_eigenvalue integer :: min_pos complex(dp) :: swap complex(dp) :: vswap(1:dim) ! condition number calculation real(dp) :: condition_number ! eigenvalue loop variable integer :: ie ! START ! copy variables into the format required for EISPACK subroutines n=dim ar(:,:)=dble(M(:,:)) ai(:,:)=aimag(M(:,:)) ! test to see whether we have a real matrix max_re=0d0 max_im=0d0 do row=1,dim do col=1,dim max_re=max(abs(ar(row,col)),max_re) max_im=max(abs(ai(row,col)),max_im) end do end do if (max_im.GT.0d0) then re_test=max_re/max_im else ! maximum imaginary part is equal to zero so use the real eigen solver from eispack re_test=1d13 end if matz=1 ! eigenvalues and eigenvectors required ! call the eispack routine if (re_test.GT.1D12) then ! This tolerance should be set in constants ! Assume that this is a real problem so call the EISPACK routine for real matrices CALL rg ( n, ar, wr, wi, matz, zr, ierr ) if (ierr.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR in eispack routine rg called from calc_eigenvectors' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if gamma(:)=cmplx( wr(:),wi(:), dp ) ! assemble the complex eigenvector matrix. See header for eispack subroutine cg for explanation ie=1 do while (ie.LE.dim) if (wi(ie).NE.0d0) then ! complex eigenvalue P(1:dim,ie) =cmplx( zr(1:dim,ie), zr(1:dim,ie+1), dp ) P(1:dim,ie+1)=cmplx( zr(1:dim,ie),-zr(1:dim,ie+1), dp ) ie=ie+2 else ! real eigenvalue P(1:dim,ie)=cmplx( zr(1:dim,ie),0d0, dp ) ie=ie+1 end if end do ! next eigenvector else ! Assume that we have a complex problem so call the EISPACK routine for the general complex form CALL cg ( n, ar, ai, wr, wi, matz, zr, zi, ierr ) if (ierr.NE.0) then run_status='ERROR in eispack routine cg called from calc_eigenvectors' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if gamma(:)=cmplx( wr(:),wi(:), dp ) P(:,:)=cmplx( zr(:,:),zi(:,:), dp ) end if ! real or complex problem ! multiply the eigenvectors such that the largest element is real and positive do col=1,dim mag_largest_element=0d0 do row=1,dim if (abs(P(row,col)).GT.mag_largest_element) then mag_largest_element=abs(P(row,col)) largest_element=P(row,col) end if end do do row=1,dim P(row,col)=P(row,col)/largest_element end do end do ! normalise the eigenvectors to a length of 1 do col=1,dim norm=0d0 do row=1,dim norm=norm+abs(P(row,col))**2 end do norm=sqrt(norm) do row=1,dim P(row,col)=P(row,col)/norm end do end do ! At this stage we have all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors though the order is uncertain ! Put the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors into order of magnitude, smallest first ! This corresponds to the process for the lossless homogeneous case in SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_LC do ie=1,dim-1 min_eigenvalue=abs(gamma(ie)) min_pos=ie do row=ie+1,dim if (abs(gamma(row)).LT.min_eigenvalue) then ! this eigenvalue is the smallest so far min_eigenvalue=abs(gamma(row)) min_pos=row end if if (min_pos.NE.ie) then ! swap the eigenvalue and eigenvector into the ie-th position swap=gamma(ie) gamma(ie)=gamma(min_pos) gamma(min_pos)=swap vswap(1:dim)=P(1:dim,ie) P(1:dim,ie)=P(1:dim,min_pos) P(1:dim,min_pos)=vswap(1:dim) end if ! we need to swap the eigenvalue and eigenvector position end do ! next eigenvalue to check end do ! next eigenvalue to put in order RETURN END SUBROUTINE calc_eigenvectors ! ! NAME SUBROUTINE test_decomposition ! ! DESCRIPTION ! check the results of a modal decomposition to see whether it is accurate... ! Checks are: ! 1. [Pinverse][M][P]=[gamma] ! 2. evaluate [M](x)-gamma (x) and calculate the maximum residual over all of the eigenvalues,(x) ! 3. evaluate [P][gamma][PI]-[M] and check the error ! ! COMMENTS ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! ! SUBROUTINE test_decomposition(M,gamma,P,dim) USE type_specifications USE eispack USE maths IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(IN) :: dim ! matrix dimension complex(dp),intent(IN) :: M(dim,dim) ! input matrix complex(dp),intent(IN) :: gamma(dim) ! vector of eigenvalues to be returned complex(dp),intent(IN) :: P(dim,dim) ! matrix of eigenvectors to be returned, eigenvectors in columns ! Local variables complex(dp) :: gamma2(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: PI(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: T1(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: PH(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: PgammaPI(dim,dim) complex(dp) :: x(dim),M_x(dim),gamma_x(dim) real(dp) :: norm real(dp) :: diag_diff real(dp) :: err real(dp) :: max_off_diag real(dp) :: max_residual real(dp) :: residual complex(dp) :: v1v2 integer :: row,col,eigenvalue,e1,e2 integer :: n_eigenvectors integer :: ierr ! START write(*,*)'Test modal decomposition' ierr=0 CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(P,dim,PI,dim,ierr) T1=matmul(PI,M) gamma2=matmul(t1,P) ! check the difference between gamma and gamma2 norm=0d0 diag_diff=0d0 do row=1,dim norm=norm+abs(gamma(row))**2 diag_diff=diag_diff+abs(gamma(row)-gamma2(row,row))**2 end do norm=sqrt(norm) diag_diff=diag_diff/norm max_off_diag=0d0 do row=1,dim do col=1,dim if (row.NE.col) then max_off_diag=max( max_off_diag,ABS(gamma2(row,col)) ) end if end do end do ! evaluate [M](x)-gamma (x) and calculate the maximum residual over all of the eigenvalues max_residual=0d0 do eigenvalue=1,dim x(1:dim)=P(1:dim,eigenvalue) M_x=matmul(M,x) gamma_x(:)=gamma(eigenvalue)*x(:) residual=0d0 do row=1,dim residual=residual+abs(M_x(row)-gamma_x(row))**2 end do residual=sqrt(residual)/norm max_residual=max(residual,max_residual) end do ! evaluate PgammaPI-M and check the error T1=matmul(P,gamma2) PgammaPI=matmul(T1,PI) err=0d0 norm=0d0 do row=1,dim do col=1,dim err=err+abs(M(row,col)-PgammaPI(row,col)) norm=norm+abs(M(row,col))**2 end do end do err=err/sqrt(norm) Write(*,8100)'Diagonalisation check: diag_diff=',diag_diff,' max_off_diag=',& max_off_diag,' max_residual=',max_residual,' max_error=',err 8100 format(A,ES12.4,A,ES12.4,A,ES12.4,A,ES12.4) write(*,*)'M' CALL write_cmatrix(M,dim,0) write(*,*)'P' CALL write_cmatrix(P,dim,0) write(*,*)'Gamma' do row=1,dim write(*,*)row,gamma(row),abs(gamma(row)) end do write(*,*)'PI' CALL write_cmatrix(PI,dim,0) write(*,*)'PgammaPi' CALL write_cmatrix(PgammaPI,dim,0) RETURN END SUBROUTINE test_decomposition