There is one new feature in this release : the sweep sources can now be
synchronized. If a sweep source is selected in one analysis page, where
possible the same source will appear in other analysis pages. This feature may
be enabled or disabled via the Preferences dialogue. Otherwise this release
mainly contains bug fixes.

There are two bugs which I'd be particularly interested to see resolved. If
anyone has comments re the following I'd be interested to hear them :

 - It has been reported that "gSpiceUI opens new FIFOs every time gWave, etc.
   are started but never closes them. In a long session the user eventually
   runs out of file handles". In PrcBase::bLogOutput( ) instead of repeatedly
   getting the input and error streams, get input stream pointers once. I've
   not personally encountered this bug but this might fix it.
 - Locales.

I'm still trying to focus mainly on fixing bugs so that version 1.0.00 is as
stable as possible, when it's released.

The following is an extract from the ChangeLog file associated with this release :

 * BugFix : The Component class wasn't recognizing sub-circuits,
            transmission-line or logic devices correctly.
 * Minor mods. so that all test utilities compile.
 * Have defined the following types in TypeDefs.hpp : ulong, uint and uchar.
 * It has been reported that "gSpiceUI opens new FIFOs every time gWave, etc.
   are started but never closes them. In a long session the user eventually
   runs out of file handles". In PrcBase::bLogOutput( ) instead of repeatedly
   getting the input and error streams, get input stream pointers once. I've
   not personally encountered this bug but this might fix it.
 * The sweep sources can now be synchronized. If a sweep source is selected in
   one analysis page, where possible the same source will appear in other
   analysis pages. This feature may be enabled or disabled via the Preferences
 * In the class ConvertType replaced all calls to pow10f( ) with calls to
   pow( ) owing to problems compiling the code on OSX.
 * Simplified FrmMain::OnOpen( ), FrmMain::OnImport( ) and FrmMain::OnReload( )
   so that most of the work is done by the class FileTasks.
 * Simplified FileTasks::bReload( ) so that it calls FileTasks::bOpen( ) and
   FileTasks::bImport( ) instead of duplicating code.
 * In the class PrcGNetList remove the functions that aren't really required :
   bSetGNetList( ), rofnGetGNetList( ), szGetGuileProcCnt( ) and
   szGetSchemFileCnt( ).
 * BugFix : Sort out bugs in the mechanism for loading schematic file/s via the
            command line.
 * BugFix : Sort out bugs in the mechanism for loading a netlist file via the
            command line.
 * Added m_iExitCode attribute to PrcBase class to contain the exit code
   returned when the process was last run.
 * Re-organise contents of lib/ directory.
 * Implement function CmdLinePcr::bCheckFiles( ) for basic file name testing.
 * Implement function CmdLinePcr::Print( ) for debugging.
 * BugFix : If errors are encountered by gnetlist the Console tab is displayed
            instead of the NetList tab.
 * BugFix : In dialogs pressing the Clear or Defaults buttons can now reversed
            by pressing the Cancel button.
 * The function PnlValue::bSetValue( wxString, bool ) can now set the units
   with a value of 0.0 eg. "0.0msec".
 * BugFix : In FileTasks::InitNetLstFile( ) simulation data was transferred
            from FrmMain::m_oSimnGcp to FrmMain::m_oSimnNgs when it had already
            been transferred from FrmMain::m_oSimnNgs to FrmMain::m_oSimnGcp.
 * BugFix : In CpntNgIndSrc::bParseValue( ) and CpntNgIndSrc::bFormatValue( )
            the pulse source function was incorrectly formatted; the pulse
            width appeared ahead of the fall time.
 * Super-conductor junction components are now recognized.
 * The class name AppGSpiceUI has been changed to App_gSpiceUI.
 * BugFix : LC_NUMERIC locale problem reported by Werner H. and Viktor N. Have
            applied a patch provide by Werner : moved the locale call from the
            AppGSpiceUI constructor to AppGSpiceUI::OnInit( ).
 * Various minor mods. and bug fixes.
 * Documentation updates.