! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice.
! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace
! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK.
! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham
! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
! version.
! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
! for more details.
! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the
! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at .
! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to
! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK
! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at .
! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk
! File Contents:
! SUBROUTINE create_spice_subcircuit_model
! create_spice_subcircuit_model
! Chris Smartt
! This subroutine creates the Spice subcircuit model for the cable bundle
! including transfer impedance coupling terms when requested
! and incident field excitation model when requested
! The input to the subroutine is the spice_bundle_model structure which contains
! all the information required to build the spice model.
! The processs is split into the following stages:
! STAGE 1: Initialisation: open the file for the spice subcircuit model
! STAGE 2: Allocate memory for node lists, propagation correction filter lists etc
! STAGE 3: Work out where the transfer impedance models and incident field sources need to go
! STAGE 4: Evaluate and write the d.c. resistance on each conductor
! STAGE_5: Implement the Domain decomposition in the Spice model
! For each domain:
! STAGE_6, Within the current domain work out the modal transformation matrices,
! mode impedances and mode delays to implement the modal decomposition in spice
! STAGE_7, Within the current domain work out the modal propagation correction filter functions
! STAGE_8, Write the modal decomposition spice model and modal propagation spice model
! STAGE_9, generate the information required for and then write the transfer impedance coupling model(s) as required
! STAGE_10, generate the information required for and then write the incident field excitation model as required
! STAGE 11: Deallocate the domain based information
! 1. The notation needs to be organised a bit better.
! 2. We will need to split the node numbering, component naming and file writing processes into subroutines
! otherwise it will become a complete mess... STARTED: writing processes have been separated out now.
! 3. There is locally allocated (domain based) memory for modal decomposition etc which is now saved globally
! for the transfer impedance model. The local data arrays should be removed.
! 4. Following the substitution of the revised modal decomposition process we need the check for unused variables and remove them
! started 9/12/2015 CJS: STAGE_1 developments
! STAGE 2 developments started 2/02/2016 CJS
! STAGE_3 developments started 24/03/2016 CJS
! STAGE_4 developments started 22/04/2016 CJS
! STAGE_5 developments started 16/05/2016 CJS
! STAGE_6 developments started 13/06/2016 CJS
! 20/06/2016 CJS: Implement a new, robust method for modal decomposition for lossless propagation in an inhomogeneous medium
! i.e. what is required for the modal decomposition and method of characteristics model in Spice.
! 27/9/2016 CJS: Implement Xie's model for incident field excitaiton of shielded cables
! 15/12/2016 CJS: use the frequency_spec module for all frequency dependent processes
! 17/5/2017 CJS : fix problem with incident field excitation with impedance on the reference conductor for the revised termination model.
! 12/6/2017 CJS : fix problem which occurs if a domain is the victim domain for more than one transfer impedance model
! 16/11/2017 CJS Include network synthesis process to replace s-domain transfer functions
SUBROUTINE create_spice_subcircuit_model(spice_bundle_model)
USE type_specifications
USE general_module
USE constants
USE cable_module
USE cable_bundle_module
USE spice_cable_bundle_module
USE MTL_analytic_solution
USE maths
USE filter_module
USE frequency_spec
! variables passed to the subroutine
TYPE(spice_model_specification_type),INTENT(IN) :: spice_bundle_model
! local variables
! structure for modal decomposition information
integer :: n_modes
real(dp),allocatable :: TVI(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: TI(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: delay(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: impedance(:)
END TYPE mode_decomp_list_type
! structure to hold a list of filter functions
integer :: n_modes
Type(Sfilter),allocatable :: Hp(:)
END TYPE Sfilter_list_type
! structure to hold a list of nodes
integer :: n_nodes
integer,allocatable :: node(:)
END TYPE node_list_type
character(len=filename_length) :: filename
integer :: tot_n_conductors
integer :: n_domains
integer :: n_conductors
integer :: n_modes
integer :: domain
integer :: mode
integer :: end
integer :: global_domain_conductor ! conductor number in the global domain nunbering
integer :: local_domain_conductor ! conductor number in the local domain
integer :: terminal_conductor ! conductor number at the sub-circuit terminals
integer :: shield_conductor ! terminal conductor number for a shield for transfer impedance model
integer :: conductor ! conductor loop variable
! node numbering and component name stuff
integer :: next_free_node ! this is the number of the next spice node to be used
integer :: vref_node ! this is the reference node used within the transmission line sub-circuit
! node numbers for external connection of subcircuit at both ends of the transmission line
integer,allocatable :: external_end1_nodes(:)
integer,allocatable :: external_end2_nodes(:)
! node numbers for d.c. resistance at both ends of the transmission line
integer,allocatable :: rdc_end1_nodes(:)
integer,allocatable :: rdc_end2_nodes(:)
! node numbers for domain based transmission lines for all domains together
integer,allocatable :: all_domain_end1_nodes(:)
integer,allocatable :: all_domain_end2_nodes(:)
! node numbers for domain based transmission lines within a single domain
integer,allocatable :: domain_end1_nodes(:)
integer,allocatable :: domain_end2_nodes(:)
! node numbers for modal transmission lines
integer,allocatable :: modal_end1_nodes(:)
integer,allocatable :: modal_end2_nodes(:)
integer :: dim ! matrix dimension
! modal decomposition matrices
real(dp),allocatable :: real_MI(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: real_MV(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: real_MVI(:,:)
! domain decomposition matrices
real(dp),allocatable :: real_TII(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: real_TV(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: real_TI(:,:)
real(dp),allocatable :: real_TVI(:,:)
! mode velocity and impedance within a domain.
real(dp),allocatable :: mode_velocity(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: mode_impedance(:)
! Filter list used in the calculation of propagation correction filter functions
Type(Sfilter_list_type),allocatable :: domain_Hp_list(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: Rdc(:) ! d.c. resistance of a conductor
complex(dp) :: Zint_c ! complex surface impedance of a conductor
real(dp) :: Rdc_t ! d.c. resistance of a shield evaluated from the transfer impedance model
complex(dp) :: Zint_t ! complex transfer impedance of a shield conductor
! domain based list of conductor impedance models, used for propagation correction calcuulation
type(conductor_impedance_model),allocatable :: conductor_impedance_domain(:)
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for method of characteristics
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for method of characteristics
integer :: impedance_model_type ! local type for a conductor impedance model
! Transfer impedance model stuff...
integer :: Zt_model ! loop variable for the transfer impedance model number to be included
! transfer impedance model source domain information
integer :: source_domain
integer :: n_source_domain_modes
! transfer impedance model victim domain information
integer :: victim_domain
integer :: n_victim_domain_modes
integer,allocatable :: ZT_source_domain(:)
integer,allocatable :: ZT_victim_domain(:)
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for ZT models: method of characteristics
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for ZT models: method of characteristics
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes(:) ! list of internal victim domain nodes for ZT models
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes(:) ! list of internal victim domain nodes for ZT models
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(:) ! list of nodes for the +z travelling characteristic mode voltage in each domain
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(:) ! list of nodes for the +z travelling characteristic mode voltage in each domain
type(mode_decomp_list_type),allocatable :: domain_mode_decomp(:) ! domain base modal decompositiion data
logical,allocatable :: domain_is_ZT_victim(:) ! list of flags to indicate transfer impedance victim domains
integer,allocatable :: n_ZT_victim_in_domain(:) ! number of transfer impedance models with this victim domain
integer,allocatable :: count_ZT_victim_in_domain(:) ! counter for transfer impedance models within a domain
logical,allocatable :: domain_is_Einc_ZT_victim(:) ! list of flags to indicate victim domains for incident field excitation and transfer impedance coupling (Xie model)
type(node_list_type) :: ZT_node1_end1,ZT_node1_end2 ! nodes used for the transfer impedance source terms in the victim domain
type(node_list_type) :: ZT_node2_end1,ZT_node2_end2
integer :: source_domain_shield_conductor ! conductor number for shield in source domain
integer :: victim_domain_shield_conductor ! conductor number for shield in victim domain
integer :: terminal_shield_conductor ! shield conductor number according to the terminal conductor numbering system
integer :: domain_shield_conductor ! shield conductor number according to the domain conductor numbering system
! Information for incident field excitation coupling via transfer impedance
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for Einc_ZT models: method of characteristics
type(node_list_type),allocatable :: domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(:) ! list of reference nodes for Einc_ZT models: method of characteristics
! Information for incident field excitation
logical,allocatable :: domain_is_Einc_victim(:)
integer :: n_einc_domain_modes
integer :: Einc_node1,Einc_node2 ! subcircuit nodes for connecting the external incident field source
real(dp) :: Tz ! incident field excitation delay time
! coordinates and constants required for the incident field excitation model. These variables follow the notation of #EQN_REFERENCE_REQUIRED
real(dp),allocatable :: xcoord(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: ycoord(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: alpha0(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: alphaL(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: c1(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: c2(:)
real(dp),allocatable :: c1b(:)
! Additional general variables
integer :: i
integer,parameter :: write_matrices=0 ! used for debugging only
! string used to generate comments
character(len=max_spice_line_length) :: comment
! error integer used in matrix inverse calculation
integer :: ierr
! STAGE 1: Initialisation: open the file for the spice subcircuit model
filename=trim(MOD_spice_bundle_lib_dir)// &
if (verbose) write(*,*)'Opened file:',trim(filename)
! Copy some of the bundle information into local variables for clarity
! STAGE 2: Allocate memory for node lists, propagation correction filter lists,
! Allocate the node number lists for both ends of the transmission line
ALLOCATE( external_end1_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( external_end2_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( rdc_end1_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( rdc_end2_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( all_domain_end1_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( all_domain_end2_nodes(1:tot_n_conductors) )
! set the reference node for the transmission line subcircuit
CALL create_new_node(vref_node,next_free_node)
! allocate the domain based information
ALLOCATE( domain_HP_list(1:n_domains) )
! domain based information for transfer impedance models, including those with incident field excitation (Xie's model)
ALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_is_ZT_victim(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_is_Einc_victim(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( domain_is_Einc_ZT_victim(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( n_ZT_victim_in_domain(1:n_domains) )
ALLOCATE( count_ZT_victim_in_domain(1:n_domains) )
if (spice_bundle_model%include_incident_field) then
! create nodes for the sub-circuit header which will be used as the incident field excitation source
CALL create_new_node(Einc_node1,next_free_node)
! create new node for Einc_node2
CALL create_new_node(Einc_node2,next_free_node)
! OLD - caused problems if there were impedanced on reference conductor
! Einc_node2=vref_node
end if
! STAGE 3: Work out where the transfer impedance models and incident field sources need to go
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'Number of transfer impedance models:',spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances
end if
ALLOCATE( ZT_source_domain(1:spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances) )
ALLOCATE( ZT_victim_domain(1:spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances) )
do ZT_model=1,spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances
! check that we have identified a shield conductor
if (.NOT.spice_bundle_model%bundle%terminal_conductor_is_shield_flag(conductor)) then
write(run_status,*)'ERROR in create_spice_subcircuit_model.Conductor number',conductor,' is not a shield '
CALL write_program_status()
end if
! check that we have a viable transfer impedance model for this shield
if ( (impedance_model_type.NE.impedance_model_type_cylindrical_shield) &
.AND.(impedance_model_type.NE.impedance_model_type_filter) ) then
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'Error building transfer impedance models'
write(*,*)'Conductor number',conductor,' does not have a transfer impedance model specified'
write(*,*)'Condutor impedance model type:',impedance_model_type
end if
write(run_status,*)'ERROR in create_spice_subcircuit_model.Conductor number',conductor,&
' does not have a transfer impedance model specified '
CALL write_program_status()
end if
! get the source and victim domain for the transfer impedance model
if (spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(ZT_model).EQ.1) then
elseif (spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(ZT_model).EQ.-1) then
run_status='Error building transfer impedance models. Transfer impedance coupling direction should be +1 or -1'
CALL write_program_status()
end if
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'Transfer impedance model:',ZT_model,' source domain:',source_domain,' victim domain:',victim_domain
end if
! check whether the source domain has an incident field excitation. If it does then the victim domain needs
! will have additional terms due to incident field excitation via transfer impedance (Xie's model)
if (domain_is_Einc_victim(source_domain)) then
if (use_xie) then
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'Transfer impedance model with incident field: source domain:',source_domain,' victim domain:',victim_domain
end if
end if ! use the Xie model for incident field excitation of shielded cables
end if ! source domain has an incident field excitation
end do ! next transfer impedance model
! Write the subcircuit header, this also creates the node numbers
! for the external connections to the transmission line model
CALL write_spice_subcircuit_header( spice_bundle_model, &
next_free_node,tot_n_conductors,external_end1_nodes,external_end2_nodes, &
spice_bundle_model%include_incident_field,Einc_node1,Einc_node2 )
! STAGE 4: Evaluate and write the d.c. resistance on each conductor. The extraction of the d.c. resistance
! to the conductor terminations makes the modal decomposition a weak function of frequency. See Theory_Manual_Section 3.6
ALLOCATE( Rdc(1:tot_n_conductors) )
do conductor=1,tot_n_conductors
! evaluate conductor impedance. Note that only the conductor d.c. resistance is required at the moment
CALL evaluate_conductor_impedance_model(spice_bundle_model%bundle%conductor_impedance(conductor), &
if (high_freq_Zt_model) then ! if this is a shield then don't lump the d.c. resistance
if (spice_bundle_model%bundle%terminal_conductor_is_shield_flag(conductor)) then
end if
end if
! don't include zero impedances in the Spice model. Replace with something very small instead.
if (Rdc(conductor).LT.Rsmall) Rdc(conductor)=Rsmall
end do
CALL write_spice_comment('D.C. RESISTANCE END 1')
CALL write_spice_dc_resistances( vref_node,next_free_node,Rdc,tot_n_conductors,end, &
external_end1_nodes,rdc_end1_nodes,spice_bundle_model%length )
CALL write_spice_comment('D.C. RESISTANCE END 2')
CALL write_spice_dc_resistances( vref_node,next_free_node,Rdc,tot_n_conductors,end, &
external_end2_nodes,rdc_end2_nodes,spice_bundle_model%length )
! End of d.c. resistances
! STAGE_5 Implement the Domain decomposition in the Spice model
! call with the external node numbering and return with the domain decomposition node numbering
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.2
! Allocate variables for the domain decomposition
ALLOCATE( real_MI(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( real_MV(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( real_MVI(1:dim,1:dim) )
! Copy the domain transformation matrices and calculate the inverse of MV
ierr=0 ! set ierr=0 on input to matrix inverse to cause the program to stop if we have a singular matrix
CALL dinvert_Gauss_Jordan(real_MV,dim,real_MVI,dim,ierr)
CALL write_spice_comment('DOMAIN TRANSFORMATION END 1')
CALL write_spice_domain_decomposition_equivalent_circuit(vref_node,next_free_node,end,tot_n_conductors,dim, &
CALL write_spice_comment('DOMAIN TRANSFORMATION END 2')
CALL write_spice_domain_decomposition_equivalent_circuit(vref_node,next_free_node,end,tot_n_conductors,dim, &
! End of domain decomposition
! reset the counter for domain conductor numbers
! Begin the main loop over domains
do domain=1,n_domains
write(comment,'(A,I6)')'DOMAIN ',domain
CALL write_spice_comment(comment)
! STAGE_6, Within the current domain work out the modal transformation matrices,
! mode impedances and mode delays to implement the modal decomposition in spice
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.4
! Allocate variables for the modal decomposition
ALLOCATE( real_TII(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( real_TV(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( real_TI(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( real_TVI(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( mode_velocity(1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( mode_impedance(1:dim) )
CALL write_spice_comment('Modal Decomposition')
! Use the 'high frequency' L and C matrices to derive the modal decomposition for the spice model
CALL modal_decomposition_LC(dim,spice_bundle_model%bundle%L(domain)%mat, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%C(domain)%mat, &
! save the mode information on the idealised transmission line
ALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TVI(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TI(1:dim,1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%delay(1:dim) )
ALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%impedance(1:dim) )
do mode=1,n_modes
end do
! STAGE7: work out the propagation correction filters for this domain
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.6
! Allocate the conductor based loss model data
ALLOCATE( conductor_impedance_domain(1:dim+1) )
! Allocate the propagation correction filter
ALLOCATE( domain_HP_list(domain)%Hp(1:n_modes) )
! Retreive the conductor based impedance model data
do conductor=1,spice_bundle_model%bundle%n_conductors(domain)
! copy the conductor impedance model for this cable conductor to the bundle structure
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%impedance_model_type= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%radius= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%thickness= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%width= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%height= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%conductivity= &
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%Resistance_multiplication_factor= &
if ( (conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%impedance_model_type.EQ.impedance_model_type_filter).OR. &
(conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%impedance_model_type.EQ.impedance_model_type_cylindrical_shield) ) then
conductor_impedance_domain(conductor)%ZT_filter= &
end if
end do
if (spice_bundle_model%Fit_model_order.NE.0) then
CALL calculate_propagation_correction_filters(domain,dim,spice_bundle_model%FIT_model_order, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%Z(domain)%Sfilter_mat,spice_bundle_model%bundle%Y(domain)%Sfilter_mat, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%L(domain)%mat,spice_bundle_model%bundle%C(domain)%mat, &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TI(1:dim,1:dim), &
conductor_impedance_domain,domain_HP_list(domain)%Hp,spice_bundle_model%length, &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%delay, &
! the filter order is 0 and then therefore the propagation correction filter is equal to 1
do mode=1,n_modes
end do
end if
! STAGE 8: write the modal decomposition circuit elements at both ends of the transmission line
! The conductor based node numbers are known and the mode based node numbers are created
! Allocate the node number lists for both ends of the transmission line within this domain
ALLOCATE( domain_end1_nodes(1:n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( domain_end2_nodes(1:n_conductors) )
! The domain based node list within a single domain comes from a subset of the
! domain based transmission lines for all domains together
do local_domain_conductor=1,n_conductors-1
end do
! Allocate the modal node number lists for both ends of the transmission line for this domain
ALLOCATE( modal_end1_nodes(1:n_conductors) )
ALLOCATE( modal_end2_nodes(1:n_conductors) )
CALL write_spice_modal_decomposition_equivalent_circuit(vref_node,next_free_node,domain,end,n_conductors,dim, &
CALL write_spice_modal_decomposition_equivalent_circuit(vref_node,next_free_node,domain,end,n_conductors,dim, &
! allocate the method of characteristics reference node lists
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
ALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(1:n_modes) )
! Allow for the presence of additional voltage sources related to incident field coupling
! and transfer impedance coupling sources as seen in Theory_Manual_Figure 3.2
! Set nodes to the overall reference node initially i.e. assume no transfer impedance or incident field models
! The order of sources is: MOC sources, ZT sources, Einc_ZT sources, Einc sources
! create nodes for the incident field excitation coupled via transfer impedance equivalent voltage sources
! in the method of characteristics sub-circuit for the external domain if required
! create nodes for the incident field excitation equivalent voltage sources in the method of characteristics
! sub-circuit for the external domain if required
if (domain_is_Einc_victim(domain)) then
do mode=1,n_modes
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
end do
end if ! this is the external domain and there is an incident field excitation
! create nodes for the incident field excitation coupling via ZT equivalent voltage sources
! in the method of characteristics sub-circuit for the external domain if required
if (domain_is_Einc_ZT_victim(domain)) then
do mode=1,n_modes
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode)=next_free_node ! set to the next free node but don't increase next_free_node
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
end do
end if ! this domain is the victim of the incident field excitation via transfer impedance coupling (Xie's model)
! create nodes for the transfer impedance equivalent voltage sources in the method of characteristics
! sub-circuit for the victim domain if required
if ( domain_is_ZT_victim(domain) ) then
do mode=1,n_modes
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
CALL create_new_node(domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode),next_free_node)
end do
end if ! this is a victim domain for a transfer impedance model
! loop over the modes in this domain and write the spice circuit elements for
! the modal propagation. See Theory_Manual_Section 3.5
do mode=1,n_modes
CALL write_spice_method_of_characteristics_equivalent_circuit(modal_end1_nodes(mode),modal_end2_nodes(mode),vref_node, &
domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node(mode), &
domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node(mode), &
domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(domain)%node(mode), &
domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(domain)%node(mode), &
next_free_node,domain,mode, &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%impedance(mode), &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%delay(mode), &
end do ! next mode in this domain
! deallocate modal decomposition stuff for this domain
DEALLOCATE( mode_velocity )
DEALLOCATE( mode_impedance )
do conductor=1,spice_bundle_model%bundle%n_conductors(domain)+1
CALL deallocate_conductor_impedance_model(conductor_impedance_domain(conductor))
end do
DEALLOCATE( conductor_impedance_domain )
DEALLOCATE( modal_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( modal_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_end2_nodes )
end do ! next domain
! STAGE 9: Transfer impedance coupling model
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.7
do ZT_model=1,spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'Source domain:',source_domain
write(*,*)'Number of source domain modes:',n_source_domain_modes
write(*,*)' Mode delay(s) Mode Impedance (ohms)'
do mode=1,n_source_domain_modes
end do
write(*,*)'Source domain:',Victim_domain
write(*,*)'Number of victim domain modes:',n_victim_domain_modes
write(*,*)' Mode delay(s) Mode Impedance (ohms)'
do mode=1,n_victim_domain_modes
end do
end if
! get the information required to generate the transfer impedance model
shield_conductor=spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(ZT_model) ! this is the conductor number for the shield whose transfer impedance is being included
! get the local conductor number (i.e. within the domain) in the source and victim domains
if (spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(ZT_model).EQ.1) then
! coupling from inside the shield to outside
! coupling from inside the shield to outside
end if
! If this is not the final transfer impedance model for this victim domain then we
! must create a new node for the refrence voltage
ALLOCATE( ZT_node1_end1%node(1:n_victim_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( ZT_node1_end2%node(1:n_victim_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( ZT_node2_end1%node(1:n_victim_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( ZT_node2_end2%node(1:n_victim_domain_modes) )
if (count_ZT_victim_in_domain(victim_domain).EQ.1) then
! we use the already created reference node for MOC sources
! we use the previously created internal node
end if
if (count_ZT_victim_in_domain(victim_domain).NE.n_ZT_victim_in_domain(victim_domain)) then
! we create a new internal node
do mode=1,n_victim_domain_modes
CALL create_new_node(ZT_node2_end1%node(mode),next_free_node)
CALL create_new_node(ZT_node2_end2%node(mode),next_free_node)
end do
! save the internal nodes
! we use the already created reference node for transfer impedance sources
end if
CALL write_transfer_impedance_circuit(n_source_domain_modes,n_victim_domain_modes, &
ZT_node1_end1%node,ZT_node1_end2%node, &
ZT_node2_end1%node,ZT_node2_end2%node, &
domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(source_domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(source_domain)%node, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%delay, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%impedance, &
domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%delay, &
source_domain_shield_conductor, &
victim_domain_shield_conductor, &
spice_bundle_model%length, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%TVI,domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%TI, &
domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%TVI,domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%TI, &
domain_HP_list(victim_domain)%Hp, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%conductor_impedance(shield_conductor)%ZT_filter, &
next_free_node,vref_node,ZT_model,source_domain,victim_domain )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_node1_end1%node )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_node1_end2%node )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_node2_end1%node )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_node2_end2%node )
end do ! next transfer impedance model
! STAGE 10: generate the information required for and then write the incident field excitation model as required
! See Theory_Manual_Sections 3.8, 3.9
if (spice_bundle_model%include_incident_field) then
! calculate the coefficients required for the incident field excitation model (Paul, 1st edition equations 7.241a,b)
! assemble the data required for the incident field calculation.
! get the central coordinates of all the conductors in the external domain.
ALLOCATE( xcoord(1:n_einc_domain_modes+1) )
ALLOCATE( ycoord(1:n_einc_domain_modes+1) )
write(*,*)'Incident field excitation, number of modes in external domain=',n_einc_domain_modes
! get the coordinates of the conductors in the external domain
do i=1,tot_n_conductors
if (spice_bundle_model%bundle%terminal_conductor_to_outer_domain(i).EQ.domain) then
! this conductor is in the outer domain so must be included
end if
end do ! next conductor
ALLOCATE( alpha0(1:n_einc_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( alphaL(1:n_einc_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( c1(1:n_einc_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( c2(1:n_einc_domain_modes) )
ALLOCATE( c1b(1:n_einc_domain_modes) )
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.8
CALL calculate_incident_field_sources(xcoord,ycoord,spice_bundle_model%Eamplitude, &
spice_bundle_model%Ex,spice_bundle_model%Ey,spice_bundle_model%Ez, &
spice_bundle_model%Hx,spice_bundle_model%Hy,spice_bundle_model%Hz, &
spice_bundle_model%kx,spice_bundle_model%ky,spice_bundle_model%kz, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_present, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_x, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_y, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_theta, &
spice_bundle_model%length,n_einc_domain_modes, &
CALL write_incident_field_circuit(n_einc_domain_modes, &
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node, &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%delay, &
spice_bundle_model%length, &
domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TVI,domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TI, &
domain_HP_list(domain)%Hp, &
Tz,alpha0,alphaL, &
next_free_node,Einc_node1,Einc_node2,vref_node,domain )
! look for any victim domains for incident field coupling via transfer impedance
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.9
do ZT_model=1,spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances
! get the information required to generate the transfer impedance model
! Check whether the source domain for this transfer impedance model is the external domain
if ( (source_domain.EQ.n_domains) &
.AND.(domain_is_Einc_ZT_victim(victim_domain)) ) then
! we must include additional terms within shielded cables for this victim domain
shield_conductor=spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(ZT_model) ! this is the conductor number for the shield whose transfer impedance is being included
victim_domain_shield_conductor=spice_bundle_model%bundle%n_conductors(victim_domain) ! always the reference conductor
if (verbose) then
write(*,*)'******Calculate ZT_incident field sources******'
write(*,*)'Terminal conductor number of shield=',shield_conductor
write(*,*)'Source domain=',source_domain
write(*,*)'n_conductors in source domain',spice_bundle_model%bundle%n_conductors(domain)
write(*,*)'n_source domain modes=',n_source_domain_modes
write(*,*)'Source domain shield conductor=',domain_shield_conductor
write(*,*)'n_einc_domain_modes (source domain modes)=',n_einc_domain_modes
write(*,*)'Victim domain=',victim_domain
write(*,*)'n_victim domain modes=',n_victim_domain_modes
write(*,*)'Victim domain shield conductor=',victim_domain_shield_conductor
end if
! See Theory_Manual_Section 3.9
CALL calculate_ZT_incident_field_sources(xcoord,ycoord,spice_bundle_model%Eamplitude, &
spice_bundle_model%Ex,spice_bundle_model%Ey,spice_bundle_model%Ez, &
spice_bundle_model%Hx,spice_bundle_model%Hy,spice_bundle_model%Hz, &
spice_bundle_model%kx,spice_bundle_model%ky,spice_bundle_model%kz, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_present, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_x, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_y, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_theta, &
spice_bundle_model%length,n_einc_domain_modes, &
domain_shield_conductor, &
CALL write_ZT_incident_field_circuit(ZT_model,source_domain,victim_domain,n_source_domain_modes,n_victim_domain_modes, &
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(victim_domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(victim_domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(victim_domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(victim_domain)%node, &
Einc_node1,Einc_node2, &
domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(source_domain)%node, &
domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(source_domain)%node, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%TVI,domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%TI, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%delay, &
domain_mode_decomp(source_domain)%impedance, &
domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%TVI,domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%TI, &
source_domain_shield_conductor, &
victim_domain_shield_conductor, &
domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%delay, &
domain_mode_decomp(victim_domain)%impedance, &
spice_bundle_model%bundle%conductor_impedance(shield_conductor)%ZT_filter, &
domain_HP_list(victim_domain)%Hp, &
Tz, &
C1,C2,C1b, &
spice_bundle_model%length, &
next_free_node,vref_node )
end if ! is this a victim domain for incident field coupling via transfer impedance
end do ! next transfer impedance model to check
DEALLOCATE( xcoord )
DEALLOCATE( ycoord )
DEALLOCATE( alpha0 )
end if ! incident field excitation model is to be included
! End subcircuit definition
! STAGE 11: Dallocate the domain based information
do domain=1,n_domains
DEALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TVI )
DEALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%TI )
DEALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%delay )
DEALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp(domain)%impedance )
end do
DEALLOCATE( domain_mode_decomp )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_source_domain )
DEALLOCATE( ZT_victim_domain )
DEALLOCATE( domain_is_ZT_victim )
DEALLOCATE( domain_is_Einc_victim )
DEALLOCATE( domain_is_Einc_ZT_victim )
DEALLOCATE( n_ZT_victim_in_domain )
DEALLOCATE( count_ZT_victim_in_domain )
do domain=1,n_domains
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node )
if ( ALLOCATED(domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes(domain)%node) ) DEALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes(domain)%node )
if ( ALLOCATED(domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes(domain)%node) ) DEALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes(domain)%node )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes(domain)%node )
do mode=1,domain_HP_list(domain)%n_modes
CALL deallocate_Sfilter(domain_HP_list(domain)%Hp(mode))
end do
DEALLOCATE( domain_HP_list(domain)%Hp )
end do
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_plus_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_V_minus_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_reference_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_ZT_internal_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_MOC_EINC_ZT_reference_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( domain_HP_list )
! Deallocate the external node number lists for both ends of the transmission line
DEALLOCATE( external_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( external_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( rdc_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( rdc_end2_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( all_domain_end1_nodes )
DEALLOCATE( all_domain_end2_nodes )
write(*,*)'Closed file:',trim(filename)
END SUBROUTINE create_spice_subcircuit_model