! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! File Contents: ! PROGRAM spice_cable_bundle_model_builder ! ! NAME ! spice_cable_bundle_model_builder ! ! AUTHORS ! Chris Smartt ! ! DESCRIPTION ! The spice_cable_bundle_model_builder takes a previously specified cable bundle model and ! generates a spice circuit model for a specific analysis scenario e.g ! crosstalk analysis, plane wave illumination analysis etc. for a specified cable bundle length ! The code also allows the generation of a validation test case and an analytic solution ! for this test case so that the accuracy and validity of the model can be assessed. ! ! The input to the program is the name of a spice cable bundle specification file. ! A file 'name.spice_model_spec' must exist, containing all the data required to specify ! a spice cable bundle model and validation test circuit. ! ! The .cable and .bundle files referred to in the .spice_mode_spec file are looked for in directories specified ! in the .spice_model_spec file. These may be the local directory (./) other specified paths. In this way the software can interact with a ! library of cable models (MOD). ! ! The output of the spice_cable_model_builder code are the following files: ! ! name_LTspice.lib Subcircuit file suitable for use in LTspice ! name_NGspice.lib Subcircuit file suitable for use in Ngspice ! name_Pspice.lib Subcircuit file suitable for use in Pspice ! ! name_LTspice.cir Circuit file for the validation test cirucit suitable for use in LTspice ! name_NGspice.cir Circuit file for the validation test cirucit suitable for use in Ngspice ! name_Pspice.cir Circuit file for the validation test cirucit suitable for use in Pspice ! ! name.sym Schematic symbol file for use in gschem ! name.asy Schematic symbol file for use in LTspice ! ! analytic_solution.dat Analytic solution for the validation test cirucit ! spice_solution.dat Spice solution for the validation test cirucit ! ! The .lib files are placed in a directory specified in the .spice_model_spec file. This may be the local directory (./) ! or another specified path. In this way the software can interact with a library of cable models (MOD). !! ! The program may be run with the cable name specified in the command line i.e. 'spice_cable_bundle_model_builder name' ! or it the name is absent from the command line, the user is prompted for the name. ! ! COMMENTS ! Updated to V2 ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 17/11/2015 CJS: STAGE_1 developments ! started 1/02/2016 CJS: STAGE_2 developments ! started 24/03/2016 CJS: STAGE_3 developments ! started 10/05/2016 CJS: STAGE_5 developments ! started 13/06/2016 CJS: STAGE_6 developments ! Include ground plane into incident field excitation 28/6/2016 CJS ! Use frequency_spec structure for all frequency ranges 15/12/2016 CJS ! December 2016 CJS Version 2 ! 24/2/2017 CJS Allow the input name to include a path i.e. the _spec file does not need to be local. ! 28/2/2017 CJS Make the validation test circuit model optional ! 16/11/2017 CJS Include network synthesis process to replace s-domain transfer functions ! 24/11/2023 CJS Start to embed FastHenry2 frequency dependent impedance matrix ! PROGRAM spice_cable_bundle_model_builder USE type_specifications USE general_module USE constants USE cable_module USE cable_bundle_module USE spice_cable_bundle_module USE MTL_analytic_solution USE create_spice_model USE frequency_spec IMPLICIT NONE ! local variables ! command line argument value and length character(len=filename_length) :: argument1 integer :: argument1_length character(len=filename_length) :: spice_model_name_with_path ! name of the spice model including the path character(len=filename_length) :: spice_model_path ! path to the spice model_spec file character(len=filename_length) :: spice_model_name ! name of the spice model character(len=filename_length) :: filename ! filename for the .spice_model_spec file logical :: file_exists ! Structure to hold the spice cable bundle model specification (see SPICE_CABLE_BUNDLE_MODULES/spice_cable_bundle_module.F90) TYPE(spice_model_specification_type) :: spice_bundle_model ! Structure to hold the validation circuit specification TYPE(spice_validation_test_type) :: spice_validation_test ! incident field k vector dotted with the ground plane normal - used to check that the incident field vector is not from below the ground plane real(dp) :: k_dot_norm real(dp) :: min_delay ! used to redefine the minimum transmission line delay allowed in the transmission line sub-circuit character(len=line_length) :: line ! used to read a line from the spice_model_spec file. character :: ch ! used to read a character from the spice_model_spec file. integer :: ierr ! integer to return error codes from file reads ! local termporary variables integer :: phrase_found integer :: tot_n_conductors integer :: system_dimension integer :: i ! START program_name="spice_cable_bundle_model_builder" run_status='Started' CALL write_program_status() CALL read_version() CALL write_license() ! Open the input file describing the spice cable bundle simulation (.spice_model_spec file) ! This file could be created by the associated GUI or otherwise generated ! get the first command line argument. If set then this is the cable name, if it is not set then ! it must be read CALL get_command_argument(1 , argument1, argument1_length) if (argument1_length.NE.0) then spice_model_name_with_path=trim(argument1) else write(*,*)'Enter the name of the spice cable bundle model specification data (without .spice_model_spec extension)' read(*,'(A)')spice_model_name_with_path end if CALL strip_path(spice_model_name_with_path,spice_model_path,spice_model_name) filename=trim(spice_model_name_with_path)//spice_model_spec_file_extn inquire(file=trim(filename),exist=file_exists) if (.NOT.file_exists) then run_status='ERROR: Cannot find the file:'//trim(filename) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! set the version tag in the spice_bundle_model structure spice_bundle_model%version=SPICE_CABLE_MODEL_BUILDER_version spice_bundle_model%spice_model_name=spice_model_name ! open and read the .spice_model_spec file OPEN(unit=spice_model_spec_file_unit,file=filename) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Opened file:',trim(filename) ! read the bundle model name ! read the MOD directory information for the cable models, bundle models and spice bundle models read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')MOD_cable_lib_dir CALL path_format(MOD_cable_lib_dir) read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')MOD_bundle_lib_dir CALL path_format(MOD_bundle_lib_dir) read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')MOD_spice_bundle_lib_dir CALL path_format(MOD_spice_bundle_lib_dir) read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')spice_symbol_dir CALL path_format(spice_symbol_dir) ! ensure that the specified paths exist - make the MOD_bundle_lib_dir path if required if (.NOT.path_exists(MOD_cable_lib_dir)) then run_status='ERROR MOD_cable_lib_dir does not exist '//trim(MOD_cable_lib_dir) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if (.NOT.path_exists(MOD_bundle_lib_dir)) then run_status='ERROR: MOD_bundle_lib_dir does not exist '//trim(MOD_bundle_lib_dir) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if CALL check_and_make_path(MOD_spice_bundle_lib_dir) if (.NOT.path_exists(spice_symbol_dir)) then run_status='ERROR: spice_symbol_dir does not exist '//trim(spice_symbol_dir) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')spice_bundle_model%bundle%bundle_name ! read the bundle model CALL read_cable_bundle(spice_bundle_model%bundle,bundle_file_unit) tot_n_conductors=spice_bundle_model%bundle%tot_n_conductors system_dimension=spice_bundle_model%bundle%system_dimension ! read the cable bundle length read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%length ! read the Incident field excitation specification read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%Eamplitude read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%ktheta,spice_bundle_model%kphi read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%etheta,spice_bundle_model%ephi ! There is the possibility that the problem could be a single domain which is shielded so check for this ! We need to implement a check as to whether the last viable domain is an external domain ! There is the possibility that the last domain is shielded so no differential mode can be excited by the incident field if ( (spice_bundle_model%Eamplitude.NE.0d0).AND. & (spice_bundle_model%bundle%tot_n_external_conductors.LT.2) ) then run_status='ERROR: There must be at least two conductors in the external domain for an incident field excitation' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! convert angles from degrees to radians spice_bundle_model%Ktheta=spice_bundle_model%Ktheta*pi/180d0 spice_bundle_model%Kphi=spice_bundle_model%Kphi*pi/180d0 ! only include incident field excitation terms if the amplitude is not zero if (spice_bundle_model%Eamplitude.NE.0d0) then spice_bundle_model%include_incident_field=.TRUE. ! work out the cartesian field components of the incident field CALL calc_incident_field_components(spice_bundle_model%Ktheta,spice_bundle_model%Kphi, & spice_bundle_model%Etheta,spice_bundle_model%Ephi, & spice_bundle_model%Ex,spice_bundle_model%Ey, & spice_bundle_model%Ez,spice_bundle_model%Hx, & spice_bundle_model%Hy,spice_bundle_model%Hz, & spice_bundle_model%kx,spice_bundle_model%ky,spice_bundle_model%kz) if (spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_present) then ! Check that the incident field k vector is illuminating the cables and is not ! incident from 'below' the ground plane k_dot_norm=spice_bundle_model%kx*spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_nx+ & spice_bundle_model%ky*spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_ny ! k_dot_norm should be of the opposite sign to spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_cable_side if(verbose) then write(*,*)'ground_plane_normal:',spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_nx, & spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_ny,0d0 write(*,*)'k.norm:',k_dot_norm end if ! verbose if (k_dot_norm*spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_cable_side.GT.small) then run_status='ERROR: The incident field excitation is from below the ground plane ' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! check that the ground plane is aligned along the x axis. This is a restriction which could ! ultimately be removed... if ( (abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_angle-pi/2d0).GT.small).OR. & (abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_x).GT.small) .OR. & (abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_y).GT.small) ) then write(*,*) abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_angle-pi/2d0) write(*,*) abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_x) write(*,*) abs(spice_bundle_model%bundle%ground_plane_y) run_status='ERROR: The ground plane must be aligned along the x axis with an incident field excitation' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! ground plane not on the x axis end if ! ground plane present else spice_bundle_model%include_incident_field=.FALSE. end if ! read the Transfer impedance model specification read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')line ! this could indicate the start of transfer impedance stuff ! look for the phrase 'transfer impedance' in the line. If it occurrs then read transfer impedance information CALL convert_to_lower_case(line,line_length) phrase_found=INDEX(line,'transfer impedance') if (phrase_found.NE.0) then ! there are transfer impedance models required so read this data read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances ALLOCATE( spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(1:spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances) ) ALLOCATE( spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(1:spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances) ) do i=1,spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(i),spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(i) ! check that the conductor number is in the appropriate range if ((spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(i).LT.1).OR.(spice_bundle_model%Zt_conductor(i).GT.tot_n_conductors)) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR: The transfer impedance conductor number should be in the range 1 to ',tot_n_conductors CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if ((spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(i).NE.1).AND.(spice_bundle_model%Zt_direction(i).NE.-1)) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR: The transfer impedance coupling direction should be either 1 or -1' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if end do else ! there are no transfer impedance models required so set the number to zero and reset the file pointer ! to the beginning of the line spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances=0 backspace(spice_model_spec_file_unit) end if if (verbose) write(*,*)'Number of transfer impedance models=',spice_bundle_model%n_transfer_impedances ! read the next line to see if the 'no_validation_test' is set read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')line ! look for the phrase 'no_validation_test' in the line. If it occurrs then turn of the validation test circuit stuff CALL convert_to_lower_case(line,line_length) phrase_found=INDEX(line,'no_validation_test') if (phrase_found.NE.0) then run_validation_test=.FALSE. else backspace(spice_model_spec_file_unit) ! Validation test problem information if (verbose) then write(*,*)'tot_n_conductors',tot_n_conductors write(*,*)'system_dimension',system_dimension end if ! Allocate data for termination models ALLOCATE( spice_validation_test%Vs_end1(1:system_dimension+1) ) ALLOCATE( spice_validation_test%R_end1(1:system_dimension+1) ) ALLOCATE( spice_validation_test%Vs_end2(1:system_dimension+1) ) ALLOCATE( spice_validation_test%R_end2(1:system_dimension+1) ) ! read the end 1 termination model, voltage sources then resistances read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line do i=1,system_dimension+1 read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,ERR=9030)spice_validation_test%Vs_end1(i) end do do i=1,system_dimension+1 read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,ERR=9040)spice_validation_test%R_end1(i) end do ! read the end 2 termination model, voltage sources then resistances read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line do i=1,system_dimension+1 read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,ERR=9050)spice_validation_test%Vs_end2(i) end do do i=1,system_dimension+1 read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,ERR=9060)spice_validation_test%R_end2(i) end do ! read the type of analysis read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')ch if ( (ch.EQ.'A').OR.(ch.EQ.'a') ) then spice_validation_test%analysis_type=analysis_type_AC CALL read_and_set_up_frequency_specification(spice_validation_test%analysis_freq_spec,spice_model_spec_file_unit) else if ( (ch.EQ.'T').OR.(ch.EQ.'t') ) then spice_validation_test%analysis_type=analysis_type_TRANS read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_validation_test%timestep,spice_validation_test%runtime read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*)spice_validation_test%risetime,spice_validation_test%width else write(*,*)'Read character',ch run_status='ERROR: the analysis type should be ac or transient' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! read the output conductor number and end number read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*) ! comment line ! see if we have one or two conductors specified as well as the reference ! read the next line into a string then read from there. read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A)')line read(line,*,ERR=1000,END=1000)spice_validation_test%output_conductor, & spice_validation_test%output_conductor_ref, & spice_validation_test%output_end GOTO 1010 1000 CONTINUE read(line,*,ERR=9020,END=9020)spice_validation_test%output_conductor, & spice_validation_test%output_end spice_validation_test%output_conductor_ref=tot_n_conductors 1010 CONTINUE ! check that the conductor numbers are in the appropriate range if ( (spice_validation_test%output_conductor.LT.1).OR. & (spice_validation_test%output_conductor.GT.tot_n_conductors) ) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR: The output conductor number should be in the range 1 to ',tot_n_conductors CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if ( (spice_validation_test%output_conductor_ref.LT.1) .OR. & (spice_validation_test%output_conductor_ref.GT.tot_n_conductors) ) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR: The output conductor reference number should be in the range 1 to ',tot_n_conductors CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if if ((spice_validation_test%output_end.NE.1).AND.(spice_validation_test%output_end.NE.2)) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR: The transfer impedance coupling direction should be either 1 or 2' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! read the output type (lin or dB) if (spice_validation_test%analysis_type.EQ.analysis_type_AC) then read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,'(A2)')spice_validation_test%output_type if ( (spice_validation_test%output_type.NE.'li').and.(spice_validation_test%output_type.NE.'dB') ) then run_status='ERROR the output type for ac analysis should be lin or dB' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if else spice_validation_test%output_type='li' end if end if ! run_validation_test ! Set deafult propagation correction transfer function fit information spice_bundle_model%Fit_model_order=0 CALL reset_frequency_specification(spice_bundle_model%prop_corr_fit_freq_spec) CALL set_up_frequency_specification(spice_bundle_model%prop_corr_fit_freq_spec) ! Read the optional propagation correction transfer function fit information read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,IOSTAT=ierr)spice_bundle_model%Fit_model_order if (ierr.NE.0) then ! Assume there is no filter fit information specified so move on to the next stage backspace(spice_model_spec_file_unit) goto 100 end if write(*,*)'Reading the filter fit frequency range' CALL read_and_set_up_frequency_specification(spice_bundle_model%prop_corr_fit_freq_spec,spice_model_spec_file_unit) 100 continue ! The file can contain flags to control the running of the software and the output rewind(spice_model_spec_file_unit) do read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,END=200,ERR=200)line CALL convert_to_lower_case(line,line_length) ! Set flags according to the information at the end of the .spice_model_spec file if (INDEX(line,'verbose').NE.0) verbose=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'use_s_xfer').NE.0) use_s_xfer=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_s_xfer').NE.0) use_s_xfer=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_xie').NE.0) use_Xie=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_xie').NE.0) use_Xie=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_ltra').NE.0) use_LTRA=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_ltra').NE.0) use_LTRA=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_high_freq_zt_model').NE.0) high_freq_Zt_model=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'no_high_freq_zt_model').NE.0) high_freq_Zt_model=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'plot_real').NE.0) plot_real=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'plot_mag').NE.0) plot_real=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_analytic_i').NE.0) run_validation_test_Vbased=.FALSE. if (INDEX(line,'use_analytic_v').NE.0) run_validation_test_Vbased=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'plot_propagation_correction_filter_fit_data').NE.0) plot_propagation_correction_filter_fit_data=.TRUE. if (INDEX(line,'min_delay').NE.0) then ! Redefine minimum delay allowed for transmission lines in the sub-circuit models. ! Transmission lines with delays less than this value are dealt with in a different manner. read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,END=200,ERR=200)min_delay ! set all transmission line minimum delays to this value ZT_min_delay = min_delay Einc_min_delay = min_delay Tz_min_delay = min_delay end if if (INDEX(line,'rsmall').NE.0) then ! Redefine minimum resistance value in the sub-circuit model. Resistances less than this value are replaced by this value. read(spice_model_spec_file_unit,*,END=200,ERR=200)Rsmall end if end do ! continue until all flags are read - indicated by an end of file. 200 CONTINUE CLOSE(unit=spice_model_spec_file_unit) if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Closed file:',trim(filename) end if ! Finished reading the .spice_model_spec file ! Create the spice subcircuit circuit model of the multi-conductor transmission line do spice_version=1,3 ! Loop over all three spice versions supported ! set the file extensions for each of the spice versions if (spice_version.EQ.ngspice) then spice_model_file_extn =ngspice_spice_model_file_extn symbol_file_extn=symbol_file_extn_NGspice else if (spice_version.EQ.LTspice) then spice_model_file_extn =LTspice_spice_model_file_extn symbol_file_extn=symbol_file_extn_LTspice else if (spice_version.EQ.Pspice) then spice_model_file_extn =Pspice_spice_model_file_extn ! note: no symbol is produced here for Pspice end if ! spice version if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: create_spice_subcircuit_model' CALL create_spice_subcircuit_model(spice_bundle_model) ! Create the spice schematic symbol for the multi-conductor transmission line ! Note that there is no process here for Pspice symbols ! The process for Pspice is to load the .lib file in the Pspice model editor ! and create the symbol there. if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: create_spice_subcircuit_symbol' if (spice_version.EQ.ngspice) then CALL create_spice_subcircuit_symbol_NGspice(spice_bundle_model) else if (spice_version.EQ.LTspice) then CALL create_spice_subcircuit_symbol_LTspice(spice_bundle_model) end if ! spice version end do ! next spice version if (run_validation_test) then ! Create the analytic and circuit models for solution of validation test case: i.e. a model of the ! terminations and link to the now existing spice subcircuit model of the multi-conductor ! transmission line and then add the analysis type information ! Analytic solution of validation test case if (spice_validation_test%analysis_type.EQ.analysis_type_AC) then if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: frequency_domain_analysis' CALL frequency_domain_analysis(spice_bundle_model,spice_validation_test) if (verbose) write(*,*)'FINISHED: frequency_domain_analysis' else if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: time_domain_analysis' CALL time_domain_analysis(spice_bundle_model,spice_validation_test) if (verbose) write(*,*)'FINISHED: time_domain_analysis' end if ! Create the spice subcircuit circuit model of the multi-conductor transmission line do spice_version=1,3 ! Loop over all three spice versions supported ! set the file extensions for each of the spice versions if (spice_version.EQ.ngspice) then spice_model_file_extn =ngspice_spice_model_file_extn test_circuit_file_extn=ngspice_test_circuit_file_extn else if (spice_version.EQ.LTspice) then spice_model_file_extn =LTspice_spice_model_file_extn test_circuit_file_extn=LTspice_test_circuit_file_extn else if (spice_version.EQ.Pspice) then spice_model_file_extn =Pspice_spice_model_file_extn test_circuit_file_extn=Pspice_test_circuit_file_extn end if ! spice version if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: create_spice_validation_test_circuit' CALL create_spice_validation_test_circuit(spice_bundle_model,spice_validation_test) end do ! next spice version end if ! run_validation_test ! Deallocate memory CALL deallocate_spice_cable_bundle(spice_bundle_model) CALL deallocate_spice_validation_test(spice_validation_test) CALL deallocate_frequency_specification(spice_bundle_model%prop_corr_fit_freq_spec) CALL deallocate_frequency_specification(spice_validation_test%analysis_freq_spec) ! finish up run_status='Finished_Correctly' CALL write_program_status() STOP 9020 CONTINUE write(run_status,*)'Error reading cable output condcutor(s) and end number' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9030 CONTINUE write(run_status,*)'Error reading voltage sources at end 1, conductor number ',i CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9040 CONTINUE write(run_status,*)'Error reading termination resistances at end 1, conductor number ',i CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9050 CONTINUE write(run_status,*)'Error reading voltage sources at end 2, conductor number ',i CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9060 CONTINUE write(run_status,*)'Error reading termination resistances at end 2, conductor number ',i CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 END PROGRAM spice_cable_bundle_model_builder